408 Winks undertakings: back on Hudson (in transit) Maphatting south of Canal |
Dear Inurnet .. Right after we posted the pic of Huck Finn over the Hudson a fire started raging across the river in Edgewater NJ .. .. a lot of the appeal of Huck Finn to us perhaps cuz we river peeps at heart .. a city not a city unless a river runs thru it .. or as in the case of Manhattan surrounds it on both sides ..
.. back just in time for the 1st snow of the winter .. still nothing like 2 years ago .. Jan 25 .. after a month long hiatus from our Maphattan Project .. we hit the streets again .. perhaps would've tried to finish it all off (only ~26 miles left) but yesterday's snow (or the subsequent forecast of 100% rain that never happened) threw a kink into our plans .. so might just have to leave the southern tip for when we next revisit .. last we maphattaned we made it to Canal .. so started south of there .. .. thru Tribeca in early morning .. criss-crossing .. convoluted route finding .. past the Ghostbusters HQ (hook + ladder ladder #8) .. .. across on our namesake street (White) .. into Chinatown (fresh from getting dosed on Chinese culture in Hong Kong + Penang) + over to the lower lower east side .. a no man's land of housing projects .. .. some1 told us once that the highest concentration of rats in NYC live near the East Broadway F stop (not far from where we used to live on Essex) .. we spotted 2 run-over rats in the vicinity to confirm this .. .. thru the heart of what they used to call 5 points (now engulfed by Chinatown + Civic bldgs) .. x-ing back west back thru the courts area back to Tribeca .. .. past the African burial grounds .. + an underground railroad station on Lispenard street .. .. also past where Knitting Factory used to sit on Leonard .. where we saw the likes of The Fall + Cat Power + Be Your Own Pet .... for our representative meal (in Tribeca) ate at Nobu of course .. .. so now only 1 more outing before we complete the Maphattan Project .. tho we leave for Rome in 2 days (by way of India + Nepal + Paris) + they forecasting «crippling + potentially historic» blizzard (named Juno) tomorrow into Tuesday so let's see if we even make it out .. |
> 409 > Fleeing the land of doomsday hoarders to Kafka's placeless take on Amerika | |
[ (ɔ)om.Posted 2015 derek
white | calamari press ] |