Bokonist traveL pLans az paᴙRaLAX dan¢e Leƨsons + additionaL rituaLs per4med @ 11:11 AM


5/27/22> released Kelly Krumrie's Math Class 2day, FYi.... @ least iF U get iT from SPD ⊕ direↄt from Calamari:

> iNput-wise, ¢ontinuing thru Collected Voices in the Expanded Field .... they saved th best 4 la5t... pieces by Jake Reber, Candice Wuehle, Adrew J. Wilt (main 4ce B-hind 11:111) + in partiↄular Mike Kleine wh∞ B-sides Using enumer8ed L&guage + geometrees even Uses 5ame font az yr 4thcoming iSBN:

[Mike Kleine]


Jake Reber


how Ménière's makes U feel most every morning [from Andrew Wilt's piece, dat ≈ Boons+ The Camp
U need 2 flip upside-down 2 read 2nd ½]

> passage from Andrew Wilt's pieↄe particularly 5truck U az relevant in regardes 2 iSBN:

«The Christians came to town and started an orphanage, giving us food and a place to lay our heads. But it was conditional. You can only have food if you believe what we believe. The factories came to town and started giving people dreams of houses and computers and television and cell phones. But it was conditional. ...»

> both ideology + te©hnology = ©ultural memes dat Use humuns 4 theyr maƨs proLiFER8ion + dat inkloots art ≈ iSBN, FYi

> in addition red Rituals Performed bin the Absence of Ganymede by Mike Corrao, who also kiↄked off th above anthology ... again, rite up yr alley in dat iT deals w/ 5ensory attributes of tXt-OBJets, writ in 2nd persun ... 2 ¶ara¶hrase Corrao, tXts dat «ask U 2 partiↄip8 in yr 0ne Ǝxistence ... + U do s0» > reduↄing yr bodily 4m («5tripped of 5enses») 2 evis¢er8ing arↄhiteXtures dat U perpetu8 when U read iT: «In a place without physicality, the subject becomes an object. You and I, a collection of objects. Those objects undefined without the light to reveal their qualities.» + then «the sentient mass is reduced to what it initially was: simple biology.» > remini5ↄent of Blake Butler's Ever, FYi > tXt as sustenanↄe 2 digest, mainlined direↄt, 2nd person i.V. str8 in2 yr GUT

5/28> als0 5tarted 2 read Oil Notes by Rick Bass but 2 hard to get past the topic (explor8ion geology) 2 appreci8 th landgauge > watↄhed Parallax View, mid-L film (along w/ Clute + All The Presidents Men) in Alan Pakula's '70s conspiray/paranoia trilogy ... naught nearly az g∞d az th other 2 th0

> B-sides dat mostly bin scheming what 2 do 4 yr bedder-½' 5abbati¢al starting ~July 1 ... y'all halve run th gamut of options, from those Oneworld round-the-whirled tix 2 just renting a car + driving cross U.S.... s0 hard 2 make travel plans w/ covid + U-crane + now monkey pox? main problem is dat every 1 + their mother is gunna B travelling this summer aftr 2 yrs under house arrest... even b4 dat there was s¢arcely 1 pla¢e in il mondo un$cathed by runaway 2-rism > + nothing = what iT u$ed 2 B + uber eXpen$ive > ¢urrent thinking = y'all will ju5t play iT by ear, let plan pre5ent it5elf ... az Vonnegut 5ays: «As Bokonon says: 'peculiar travel suggestions are dancing lessons from god.», where Bokonon = fictional founder of Bokonism, th 5ecret religion of Cat's Cradle whose 5upreme act = 2 ppl ruBEing feet 2gether > mayB dat's what y'all will due, g0 sumwhere where U can sit + rub feet w/ yr bedder-½, doesn't matter where dat is, mayB colombiA, zambiA ± romaniA > doesn't help dat inURnet 5ucks more than ever 4 doing RE:Search, $o hard 2 l∞k $tuff up w/ out landing on junk ad-$ponsored pages

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