i, in8 iĐ, halving a sympathetic nerve response 2 a symbiotic iĐenti-T crysis w/ deuce in X maↄhina (writ-10 in babel-17) |
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9/6/23 > appy polly loggies my lit-L droogies, sorry 2 B Đebbie Đowner in the la5t po5t / dont 9et meme rong, wewe 9ot lots 2 B gr8full 4, most of all 4 R bedder-½ / naught 2 menshun naught halving 2 worry abt SURvival on a day-2-day baysis like most creatures on planit EARTH > wewe feel bedder after upd8ing R softwhere (w/ 4 mg of C12H17N2O4P) 3 dayzzz ago \ witch wewe havent done 4 a wile (B-sides micr0do5ing on oↄcassion) ... a bout 1½ yrs ag0 5in¢e > 4 mg = a bit/byte more than 1 micr0dose (1-2 mg) but naught «trippin9» down n0 rabbit hole nor near the therapeutic dose (25 mg) witch amounts 2 fool softwhere in5tall/iĐenti-T break \ witch weave nvr done kneethere
\ «belum» az they say in Indonesia (search 4 «no» + replace w/ «not yet» 2 B more positiv / e.g. in RE:ply 2 «halve u bin 2 the moon» antswear «not yet») > hay New York (witch cd bee aNY City if u set yr mined 2 iT) / sumtimes yr spindly maXine has 2 go hey-wire 2 bee reconfigured / akin 2 how on those iBM/PC clones runnin9 MS softwhere u used 2 defragment yr harddrive 2 reconsolid8 + optimize 5torage 5pace, REMember? L. Frank Baum (born in upst8 New York in 1856) nu about X long b4 computers ⊕ even TV ƎXisted / the hole premise of the 5careCrow CHAR w/
> u even had a sympathetic response thinkin a bout Mitch McConnell's brain farts... u h8 the pathetic old tortoise az much az N-E else (inklootin9 Jon Stewart + Colber: Mitch McConell is a white whale, in that he's bin acting like a huge Moby Dick) but McConnell has now bin reduced 2 just the talkin9 head of right-wing idealogy (tho he can't even effectively talk), just a 5hell of a humun that's going str8 2 hell / know longer the little boy he was b4 B-ing programmed by pairunts/ 5ociety 2 B the testudine monster he is now > iT's the BW/Ody u feel sorry 4 / dat is B-in9 propped up + used by his party az 5pokesman / it's the ideology that's bin programmed in2 him u need 2 fear/h8 / th soft- naut hard-where> but no more h8ful ⊕ Đ-pressin9 rhetoric hear on 5¢ense / u onely brin9 X up 2 illustr8 yr point > u used the Đ-word in the last post 2 refer 2 your sentiments on Đ-pression > X Đ-pression = purely fizzical / reL8ed 2 Đ-FX in yr BW/Ody chemistry, namely Đeafness, Đream Đepriv8ion + Đizzyness + morever X Đeafness in 1 ear also cr8s a certain Lop-Ƨided Đisorient8ion / think abt iT / u n0 longer hear in stairi/o / u n0 longer kin echoloc8 ≈ a bat / n0 longer can u Đistinguish Đistance u5ing para||ax > but az u saiĐ @ the getgo / u shd use the word «not yet» in place of «n0» / sumping u learnt in Indonesia 32 yrs ago > nvr say nvr az Romeo Void sang > halve n0 fear / yr hearin9 will return 2 normal 1 day soon / take a Q from Bad Brains + 9et sum PMA > ... hear / rather than [▶] the pop-up links 2 these trax that pop in2 your noggin wile writin9 X / just [▶] X mixtape: > @ N-E r8 / wear were u? Q up sum psychedelic 2ns > n0 white rabbits = pooled out of a hat (not yet!) but yr pre-Ǝxistin9 quotidian FX B-come more a-Qt under the influenze of C12H17N2O4P > on a day-2-day baysis U feel sleep Đ-prived, diz-Z + Đisoriented witch u mask/suppress in Đ-nile 2 get bi / but C12H17N2O4P amplifies the FX + u also feel discom4t + mild nausea (iT = 4in substance after all that yr BW/Ody's 1st inclin8ion = 2 reject) / @ least @ 1st / th0 these chocolates = salted caramel flavor (az opposed 2 the green T flavored 1s u had b4) so tasted bedder (even th0 u ain't sposed to eat NaCl ) > az if 5pidery 5pores occu-π yr body + say WTF = wrong w/ X hardwhere + then go about their business of reprogrammin9 yr neural network 2 compens8 > if u dawn an i-mask u can visualize ghostly traces of these colorful vaulted arched C-Lings ≈ 5pindly 5piderwebs that 4m the fabrick of your B-ing + if u lis-10 2 music u can visualize what u hear in unduL8ing pyschedelic display that when u take off yr i-mask 9et projected on the C-Ling (by X point u = in livin9 room [▶]ing the nu Slow Dive / Everything is Alive + az u rite this post now u just received the version on sea-blue vinyl): ... sure—everythin9 = alive—but life has a diffrent kind of life / even plants u can see vibr8 + unduL8 > up on 111th st u saw a hummin9bird dead on the 5idewalk + it 5till looked alive + u picked iT up + 5wore u cd feel it's heat + heart 5till beatin9 in your palm / pulsin9 w/ life + u'd just sceen a show on humin9birds that tocked about how when it's cold they can go in2 a sort of hibern8ion (otherwise they can't live more than a few hrs w/o C6H12O6) + u thought u cd take it home 2 revitalize iT but it was far from freezin9 / in fact it was ~ 90°F + likely the bird hit a window 5ince that's how 99% of birds in NYC die, sad... grantid iT might halve just bin 5tunned / but iT was bedder off in a flower bed resting 5ince y'all don't even halve C6H12O6 ⊕ honey in your apartment 2 rehabilit8 iT > after that y'all went 2 the plant store on 119th + Malcolm X / witch was a trip / a humid hothouse vibr8ing w/ plant life > brot home <3 plants > other shows/movies y'all re/watched X week (+ went in2 the thinkin9 of X po5t #1108) = Alien, Aliens, Cleopatra + Dead Zone > po5t # 1108 was also writ-10 under the literary influence of My Untimely Death by Adam Peterson (who like u, started his life breathing backwoods, exhaling 1st) + Babel-17 by Samuel R. Delany (but not yet the flip B-side Empire Star / witch ≈ Boons/Camp reads up5ide down in the opposit direXion ) > Delany = way ahead of his time (both books written in 1966 / the year U = born) > babel-17 is more than just a language, iT kin change your worldview + thought processes (via linguistic relativity) + can even B weaponized > like y/our Ling0, iT doe5n't use the «i» pronoun / rite up y/our alley > in case u couldn't tell, u bin halving an iĐenti-T crysis az of L8 tied 2 landgauge (what's nu, rite?) / don't call me ishmael, naught yet / iT o-cured 2 u that u shd go baↄk 2 callin9 yrself in8 iĐ 5in¢e it has a Đ (pronounce D naught, ⊕ D not yet) in iT (az iF 2 neg8 «D» / 5ince y/our initials = dub-L dd coninsiding w/ B-ing born on 11/22/66) + the # 8 ≈ octo-π (when 5peaking on B-½ of Ↄalamari arↄhive)
/ th0 weather u continue 2 rite in 2nd person = TBĐ |
# 1107 <(current)> 1109 > 2 transL8 mine mined/BW/Ody Đ-Lemma az iT dis.integr8s in2 Spoo⅃ LoopƧ 22 yrs L8er on 9/11 | ||
[ (ɔ)om.posted 2023 in8 iĐ | Ↄalamari arɔHive ] |