Stripe, diiv, chiggers, Blood Electric + Ingram v. Amazon POD


08/6/24 > 5wapped out N-E remaining Paypal btns w/ Stripe btns, so now Ↄalamari = complete|y X-tracted from Paypal + a|| iT's evi⅃ implic8ions [◼] n0 EZ feet after 20 yrs of cobbLing their clunky integr8ion 5tuck in Web 2.0 ... Ↄal 5tarted w/ PP baↄk when there = n0 other choice [«] baↄk B4 when Musk + other PP eXecs B-came Drumpf 5upporters

8/7 > saw diiv [▶] @ Bklyn Paramount, wow, ii <3 diiv but was almost reluctant 2 go (e5pecia||y in ~3000 capacity ven-U) b/c ii figured they'd bee boring live but they rocked, even bedder than on [●] ... or mayB b/c U need 2 here them LOUD 2 appreci8? nu album harks uv MBV meats Gish + 1st time @ the new|y reopened Paramount, classy ven-U (even tho iT's 2 big 4 ii's britches .. nvr imagined diiv wd [▶] ^ venu so big (they said iT = largest ever [▶]ed))(... + p.s. ii aint the A-hole in front of U w/ their iPhone held in yr face b/c ii 5tood in very baↄk, back a9ainst the wa||)




8/8 > got Blood Electric baↄk from both Ingram Spark + Amazon KDP so Ↄal can [●] ^ proper side-by-side comparison, 4 N-E intrested in such technickle madders > Ↄal compared + contrasted Ingram v. Amazon POD B4 (in terms of price, availability, etc.) but Blood Electric = 1st book Ↄal printed on D-m& both wayz, sew now we can compair quality > 4 refrence $ake:

  • pri¢e to print + ship 5 copies on Amazon KDP = $28.65 + took 7 dayz
  • pri¢e 2 print + ship 10 copies on Ingram Spark = $61.94 + took 14 dayz

... so Amazon = ^ bit cheaper/faster > but Ↄal had 2 resort 2 Ingram 5ince Amazon's so fucking draconian about their nitpicky legibility requirements ... th on|y reason Ↄal bowed down 2 Bozos az we|| is b/c we wanted the global availability, but we had 2 strip out the marginal jank + glitch + textual FX (couldn't use an embo55ed 2D font), 4 eggsample hear's how we wanted the text 2 end, disintegr8ing 2 bloody K-OS:

> but the Bozos dat bee deemed this «illegible» + we also had 2 strip out a|| the smears in the 5pinal margins B4 they'd print iT > we couldn't even halve iT end w/ the txt running off the page (az in th original Blood Electric (2002)), n0 text bleeding in2 margins, even if by D-zine

> @ NE r8, hear they R side by side, Amazon KDP on the Left, Ingram Spark on the Rite:

> Ingram did change the barcode 4 whatever reason, but otherwise iT was more along the lines of R in-10-t > + hear's what the last page looks like w/ Ingram (w/ embossed 2D textual FX):

Ingram Spark version

+ hear's how we had 2 modify iT 2 appease Bozos, w/ clean font ending mid-sen-10-ce:

Amazon KDP version

... pick yr poizon, mayB the Amazonian version = more legible, but the Ingram copies R glitchy w/ textual FX az in-10-ed > th Amazon version is already available (Bozos dozent let u 5chedule books already publi5hed) + is ¢onvenient if U live over-Cs + dont want 2 pay INTL shipping (swap .com 4 yr country code) > or U can pre-order the Ingram version from Asterism

> 5peaking of jank + Blood Electric, when ii hopped ^ fence 2 pet them goats in the prior po5t, sumping bit ii's ankles ... @ 1st ii thought mosquitoes but the bites 5tarted 2 pus up + ooze, felt az if sum alien beeing laid eggs B-neath ii's 5kin:

^ day or 2 L8er after petting goats


what iT looks like now

> doing L& surveying 4 ^ summer in the 5wamps of Georgia, ii has had iT's fair 5hare of chigger bites so ii nose how they feel (+ yes, «iT» is in8 iD's prefurred pronoun) ... az Herzog says: «nature is evil» or az the Chef in Apocalypse Now sez: «never get out of the boat» ... absolute|y god dam rite, unless u were going a|| the weigh

1171 <(current)> 1173 > HEXa9rams n0t instaGram: 5pooky action @ ^ di5tance in ^ unhaunted Spit Temple
[ (ɔ)om.Posted 2024 in8 iD |  Ↄalamari arɔhive  ]