Ↄalamari wood rather keep ^ b∞k in Print 4 life than halve iT B ^ fla$h in the pan 4 ^ famed 15 minutes of hype b4 death-spyruLin8 2 obsolescence, halve ^ have life of 16.8 minutOs ㄥike ^ 242U radiOactive isOtope (Uranium-242, the kind u5ed 2 make «isOtope Soap» ware:
washing my ear, ii couldn't here 4 ^ year
> or 241Cu (Curium-241 (named 4 Mme. Curie, who did time in the cancer castle ware Ↄalamari is curRent|y HQed)) w/ ^ 32.8 day have-life (meanin9: in 32.8 daze iT DKs in2 ½ of watt iT Used 2 B) + ii aint exa99er8ing buy mucho ... 99% of the tiempo, ^ ㄥibro's ㄥife ¢ycle is ali9ned w/ iT's promotion cy¢le, typica||y 30 dayz 4 mo5t b∞ks (mo5t pubㄥishers wi|| keep inte||ectual Proper-T (^ b∞k) in Print wile iT's bein9 promoted + oops, after that iT's remaindered + left 2 go Out of Print, Out 2 Pasture ... n0 X-Qs 4 OoPsies in thi5 day + a9e of PoD, rite?)
> even tho dd was ^ 16-yr-old punk + had one|y bin workin9 @ Crown b∞ks ^ few moonths, dd was promoted up the ranks 2 B m^nager when this other m^nager was fired ± quit > so then dd started 2 ask bo55es hire up the chain Y we D-faced + threw out the5e b∞ks + they said 2 make weigh 4 nu b∞ks iP + dd wood a5k Y we needid 2 terror the covers off those 9oin9 OOP, Y couldn°t we 9ive them away 2 lieburies, 5hcools, poor ppl or sumpin9 + they said iT was b/c this wood dimini$h the val-U of b∞ks, b/c they cd then B $old 2nd h& + dd rebutted «but what does it matter if Crown wasn°t $elling 'em N-E more?» + they'd te|| dd 2 shut up + keep rippin9 + chuckin9 'em in the dump5ter, dont think a6out suↄh thin9s, punk ... needless 2 say dd didn°t ㄥast ㄥon9 @ thi5 job
on the futility of fertility
> b∞ks ≠ commodities
> b∞ks = ㄥiving, breathin9 pro9enie of th authors that cre8ed them > but, U mite R-gu, if we consider b∞ks 2 B akin 2 bi-illogical or9anisms, don°t they fo||ow the same rules of natural selection? 2 bee fruitful + multip|y + «fill the earth + subdue iT» az the buybull sez (Genesis 1:28)? in terms of animal husb&ry, thi5 ㄥine of thinkin9 leads str8 2 the 5laughterhouse, fa5t-tracked OoPs > in the g∞d ol dayz 5hepherds wood 5leep 5ide by 5ide w/ their flox 2 keep 'em aㄥive + milk 'em til they got old + died of natural causes + that milk in turn they churned in2 blocks of cheese they cd cut ↄhunks off of + put in their pockits w/ ^ peace of bred 2 su5tain them5elves wile they 10-ded their 5heep + maid sure woofs didn°t eat 'em ... that's how ii envisions ii's alter e9o, Ↄal ^ Mari, ^ bookherd, val-U-in9 longevity + quali-T of ㄥife over shear # $old ... n0 OoPsies, Ↄal wood rather keep b∞ks grayzing in sunny 9reen pa5tures (cur8ed lieburies) 4 ^ ㄥon9 ㄥife then have 'em quick|y multip|y + 9et fat 2 $ell 'em off 2 B slaughterd (2 B remainderd w/ cover lopped off, D-capit8ed, OoP, obsolete)
... 5uffice 2 say, ∀ll books shd halve infinite 5helf lives B-yond this 1 moonth window of oppor2nity ... NE reviewers, bloggers, teachers, etc. intrested in review or desk copies of NE Ↄalamari title from wheNEver (doezn't have 2 B "advance") contact Ↄal
> in th above m^ntioned po5t Re: Mme. Curie, ii reveiled ^ pic of the Ↄalamari HQ «powder (yr nose) room» (eXtra ½-bathr∞m we 9ot n0 need 4) witch Ↄal turned in2 ^ «get-high-off-the-supp|y r∞m»), hears the evilootion over the pa5t yr:
June 2023 September 2024
... the June 2023 photo inkloots a|| th in-house (n0t @ Asterism) Ↄalamari inventory (inklootin9 those 6oxed up B-hind the shelf), 6ut there's even more now in Septem6er 2024 that aint shone in the foto –– ^ dozen or so 6oxes in 5torage + ^nother 5helf B-hind the d∞r of Starcherone titles (the 6oxes on top of the toiㄥet R 4 shippin9 b∞ks Out) > June 2023 is a6out when Ↄalamari 5tarted doin9 Print-on-Dem&, th iDea beein9 2 keep inventory lvls low, 6ut seams weave accumuL8ed more 5ince, n0? bleedin9 @ the seems w/ b∞ks > 9ranted Ↄalamari's pu6lished 9 nu b∞ks (+ 1 LP + 1 ca55ette) 5ince, + 2 more 4thcomin9 (shone in th a6ove foto) > Ↄal's also bin printin9 up eXtras 4 th upcomin9 Bklyn B∞k Fare > now that Ↄal's 9ot Asterism takin9 care of a|| foolfillment, hopefooly buy next year the5e 5helves wi|| bee MTier (+ n0 6oxes in 5torage)
> 5in¢e ㄥast June weave set up 31 b∞ks az PoD, 25 w/ Amazon KDP + 6 w/ Ingram Spark b/c 4 whatever reason the Byzantine Bozos couldn°t do 'em ... definite|y ㄥearnin9 th ins + outs of PoD, e5pecia||y az reL8s 2 Am^zon ... B-sides finagling + fine55ing w/ in8 iD's name5ake ^dobe iD softwhere (ware iD = in D-zine, the softwhere that compels ii 2 codɘ the wei9h ii ↄodes (4 print @ NE r8, 4 5cense ii uses DreamWeaver (or rather, DW uses ii (wear DW happens 2 B ii/dd's actuaㄥ initiaㄥs)), in ^ few re5ent b∞ks ii actua||y edited PDFs str8 w/ ^crobat (+ 1 in5tance wear ii was 4ced 2 use (gasp!) MS Word) > thi5 pa5t weak or 2 Ↄal ^ Mari has set up + Ark Codex ± 0, The Gotham Grammarian, Our Colony Beyond the City of Ruins + Lisa 2, v1.0 az PoD (^mazon KDP) > the ↄopies of Ark Codex ± 0 + The Gotham Grammarian in circuL8tion R 5till th originul bookmobile printin9 (so get 'em wile they'R hot (+ di$counted)!)
> Ark Codex ± 0 was the 1st color PoD b∞k + wile iT's ¢heaper than bookmobile, $till aint ¢heap (~3x more eXpen$ive than gray5cale) > even tho ii didn°t alter The Gotham Grammarian PDF (ii wood of @ ㄥeast ↄhanged Gary 2 Garielle eXcept iT was maid w/ ^ h&-drawn font so ii'd halve 2 co-mission the D-ziner MM (aka Naked Fowl) 2 redo iT (+ a-sine ^ nu iSBN 5ince iT'd B diffrent) + seams MM is always bizzy crashin9 weddin9s or sending cryptic txts ㄥike:
> but may-B if MM reads this he'|| send Ↄal ^n upd8ed h&-writ-10 name (5wappin9 «y» 4 «ielle»?) > GG was ^ pane in th ass 2 get up 2 snuff w/ the Bozos that bee ... ii had 2 make the mar9ins ½" bi99er, witch seams EZ enou9h 2 due (unless u're the Spinal Tap D-ziner), but ii di5covered the hard way there' a|| thi5 hidden 5tuff inbedded in PDFs that makes th page size n0t what iT says iT is ... ii 9ot sew deep in2 using ^crobat (or ^crobat usin9 ii) that ii actua||y resorted 2 ^ «Sanitize Document» function (tho iT didn°t wurk) ... 6ut after ^ day of haggling figured out ^ haↄk that's 2 hard 2 X-plane, even if ii did remem6er what ii did
> speakin9 of Lutz, ^ 6ig 5tack of them b∞ks in th a6ove powder-r∞m pic R sined Knopf 1st editions
that Garielle sent us, that u can get from Asterism + help free up r∞m in the 9et-hi-off-the-supp|y r∞m
+ also 5peakin9 of ㄥutz, ii almo5t fini5hed Backwardness ... iT's taken ii a|| summer, ii's taken buy iT, perhaps the lon9est b∞k ii has ever red (944 pgs), remini5cent of The Andy Warhol Diaries (eXcept Lutz dozen°t take taxi$ + hobknob w/ celebrities (+ prob|y wouldnt menshun names if she did)) ... tho she does reveil the ad dresses of childhood homes (the 1 that says "Ho Ho Ho"?)
> sum of the b∞k ii red alreddy in draft 4m az Ↄalamari wa5 gna pubㄥish iT B4 SF/LD 5cooped iT > the 2nd ½ of the b∞k prob|y cd halve bin ^ st&-alone b∞k object in iT's one rite, or @ ㄥeast the «Backwardness» ± sexy «Sixtier» sexions, more the type of riding u'd eXpect from ㄥutz (deㄥiber8ed consecution>), the 1st ½ reads like 5cense butt w/ carwreck granmar, journihilistic day-2-day 5pannin9 ㄥutz's N-tire ㄥife ... hopefu||y 1 day ᗺɒɔʞwɒɿbnɘƨƨ wi|| ㄥive baↄkwords az HTML on inurnet ƧO iT kin interact w/ other online con-10-t + bee 5earched, cro55-refrenced + hyperlinked 2/from, bee machine-learned bi Ai > ii got sum ?s tho ... did they rea||y give 5wim cㄥasses in the nude in Amerikin hi9h shcools?! + who's the bar-10-der @ Niagara? we like|y crossed paths 5ince that's R go2 bar, even after we moved a way from that hood
> also bin [●]ing b∞k trailers/teasers 4 Ↄalamari, this 1 4 Blood Electric, co||aged from Naked Lunↄh f∞tage + whatever Ls ma5hed w/ Kenji Siratori's txt + imgs from the b∞k:
+ this 1 ii [●]ed 4 in8 iD's one (under the guise of 1-wing 2can) 2-byte βeta Ei8ht ½-Loopƨ, repurpissing the video 4 «TROPiC oƒ CANↃER» (from Sound Furies' TiME5 ƎĐiT) ma5hed w/ ½-L∞ped txt + other residuaㄥ K-OS:
+ then S-to vide-O 4 Tonalamatl by Steven Alvarez (usando eSa canción from the Babel weddin9 5cene + Popol Vuh/Codex Borgia imagery), ¡witch is 4thcoming in pocos días! (Sept 16, the true Mexikin indeependance day):
> movies [▶]ed thi5 pa5t weak or 2:
Perfect Couple series –– Ok if u can stomach watchin9 rich assholes
American Beauty –– haven°t re[▶]ed this 5ince Spacey was cance||ed, feels d8ed, not st&in9 test of time
American Honey –– 2nd [▶]ing, mesmerizing, ㄥike watching ^ train reck hit ^ dumpster of raw chiↄkin
Cairo Station –– DNF, started iT 6ut n0t in2 iT
Big Deal on Madonna Street –– 2nd or 3rd [▶]ing, cla55ic, e5pecia||y the finaㄥ kitschen scene, the house they sneak in2 a few blocks from ware we lived in th attico of Palazzo Colonna
Goodtimeskid –– gr8 flick a6out mistaken identi-T we just now [▶]ed 4 the 1st time, ㄥooking fwd 2 His Three Daughters (also 6y Azazel Jacobs), witch hits Netflix Sept 20