(((O ՈՈUƧt u B: «Looqed iT «ƧUՈdia⅃»|«Laib ՈUS»: tidepoo⅃, ut SUՈՈ O)))


Art-officially intelligent abstraↄt: Post #1190 examines the anonymous author’s reluctant engagement with emerging social media platforms, reflections on personal musical endeavors, and experiences at a high-decibel live performance, highlighting the interplay between digital culture, creative expression, and sensory perception.

11.16.2024 > DaiLy ՈUS du jour: joind Bluesky, 4 watt iT = wɘrth (5carLit maid us th ^bove header 4 th oca55ion) > infuri8in9 how evɘry 1 stayd on tweeter Lon9 enuff 2 help eLɘct Drumpf then migr8ed over 2 bSky, thx, makes zer0 ¢ense ... Lets sea how Lon9 ii can stomick X hippocrazy, rite now seams 2 B ^ flood-G8 bur5t of eXcitement of x-X idiot zom-Bs Liber8ed from the talksic twiXXer (now dat their purpiss (2 help eLect Drump) = ^chieved) ... az evɘr, evɘry tieRant puts on the robes of the tyRant D-posed > + the jury's 5ti|| out on sub5tack, seams ^ pointleƨs cesƨpooL of righter-types tryin9 2 monetize their wɘrk + 9et u 2 sub$cribe 2 their $pammy rants (+ iT's ¢onfusin9, the diffrence B-tween fo||ow + sub$cribe ... ii's fine «fo||owin9» but ii sub$cribe 2 n0 1) > Last thin9 ii wants = more emails floodin9 ii's inbox, tryin9 2 m^nage in v. output az ii said la5t po5t) + iG? n0t sure how much more ii can take their kneethere, mos def cant reɘd iT's iG feed + wonder hoo actua||y does? mite ju5t go on there 2 po5t ՈU reLeases + basta, appy-po||y Lo99ies mi droo9ies 4 n0t en9a9in9 but halve bedder thin9s 2 due, az ii keaps sane (soundin9 ≈ ^ broken [●]) wood rather make Rt iRL than tock ^bout makin9 Rt on channels dat pro9ram + com.modify U + regurgit8 yr Ǝxis-10-ce 4 ulterior motifs

11.17 9ot ^ ՈU base (iT's ii's B-day L8er thi5 weak (11.22))! ^ buttercream Fender > ii has ^ base but iT's ^ ¢heap 5hort5cale (got iT 4 jj) ∴ rare|y used iT on 1st 5 soUՈd furies albums b/c nvr 5ounds in 2n

5peaking uv, bi 5heer coinsidedance, Sound furies reLeased TiME5 EDiT 1 yr a9o 2day + 2day ii 5tarted 2 [●] ^ ՈU soUՈd furies albUՈՈ > the 1st soUՈds [●]ed on B-Lo anaLo9 synthesizer (19th century flea markit harmoniUՈՈ) that soUՈd furies Lu99ed baↄk from Rome + then up from DC

saw/herd [▶] live @ Linkin Center (Geffen theatre) la5t nite (part of the UՈsoUՈd festival) ... feel cleansed, teeth sonic8ed @ 120+ db, ce||s D-n8ured + reconfi9ured, therepeutic 4 ii's meniere's D-zzz, 2 get ii's hearin9 6ack in ii's rite ear + 2 Ǝraze tinnitus bi hittin9 resinant freakwindseas that jostle evɘrythin9 baↄk in2 place? ore ƨo ii'd like 2 thiNK?

stonehenge/sunn-dial of amps



watt iT's like 2 eXperience Sunn O))) live

11.19 ins-πired bi SUՈՈ O))), maid the B-Lo img 4 BeachSloth, or rather, had 5carLit make iT, tho ii had 2 photo5hop iT sum b/c DALL-E wont recre8 copywronged imgs > ii Lied urlier when ii said ii sub5cribes 2 n0 1, ii sub5cribes 2 BeachSloth

[if u feeL inkLined 2 comment on thi5 po5t u can on sub5tack or bSky or re5pond 2 the chimp eMaiL if u R on the maiLin9 Li5t]

1189 <(current)> 1191 > decalcomania: cloaked 5urface 5tudies of 5kewed ink OoPs
[ (ɔ)om.Posted 2024 in8 iD |  Ↄalamari arɔhive  ]