derek white

5cense[bLOGjects on books/art/food/places/etc in the conTEXT of [g]host writing for ARK CODEX]Romulus & Remus

2010 Archive:                                                                                                                   [archived 2010 dailies ]

flood dream

it wasn't a dream, it was a flood: content vs. expression & the launching of the ark

... where we were sitting is now underwater. rain is content & a flood is an expression of this content. my fascination with rivers, especially during flood phase, perhaps stems from the fact that they are not definable objects, but time is necessary to understand them. in a 2-dimensional plane a river could be a lake. there is a flux to rivers that you have to be standing on the banks to [ ... ]

starling loop

««I» am a Strange Loop» is a Strange Loop: { Self-reflecting Loopholes | Feedback | Augury | starLingual Murmurations | Spy vs. Spy' }

... think of the aurora borealis when watching starlings—replacing the birds with charged particles. In which case, continuing this metaphor, the starlings are excited particles in a sea of positive holes, forming unthinkable orbitals, collapsing cloud probabilities [ ... ]

Arctic flashback

ᒐoURNauX miNing rëCeᔝᔝ #1: ∀ᖈCtic CIRcᒥe ᖷlᕕᔝHᔎack [déGel du printemps ᕳ1996]

the ticking / of the stove / running on airplane fuel / the rustling of cocoons / diamonds don't melt / it is their hard brilliance / that melts in / else / someone fell / through the ice / near the core shack / near the outhouse / men speaking / in sarcastic voices / mock accents / a cynical air / no sincerity / tough guys / bitter hearts / always joking / no harm meant / the trucks always left running [ ... ]


SEA'RChing for Turin's shrouD in ᓐ Museuming gaLLery of ARCades + finƉing: { Pessoa | Roa | goaTs | Céline | Messner's Tent | Stanford's Conditions } TAXiDermied in stead

ᓐ world is full of beautiful things + the most inteResting 1s = [t|w]Hose beauty lays beYond ᓐ SURface—that get yoU to thINKing of ᓐ hiStory emBedded in ᓐ faBricks of their BEing [. . .] vanity rather than wisdom [still] determines how the world is run [ ... ]

Sardo Dung beetle

a latheRing SARDonic goat cheese & sarDine case study on [K|Crusoe's] Iceland [in techni©olor]

the pre-climax epiphytic commune of [Chia [pet] rocks] were doCumented using pastoral & culinary phytogeography | 38 phyto-sociological snapshots [& 2 moving pictures] were analyzed using a syntaxonomical approach hardened in SCoA [Sardinial «Colordinate» analYsis] | 2 new syntaxa within the ass. sardine allele are comPosted herein & the ecology of phytopsychography [ ... ]

eco tour

U. ECO-tour of semiotic DEtourism { 5terre | Pisa | [H|R]ome } & texTOURes { [de]signs | ITAL[ic]s } & the ABCs of killing X-tians

... re#ASHEDed signs | it's a fine line between writing & interpretation—between reading & being read | vague ambivalence leads to greater freedom & less constraint [for the reader] | certainty [«in writing» or «in stone»] leads to more constraint & less free-ass[ ... ]

homeo void

h0ME(o\v/o)ID eSSe[que]nce: rubBEing el BOW[sp[i]rit]s in the home-o-static rhomboid

feet i'mPressIons were also used for this series as was più ephemera from the Port[ese] flea MAR[ket | these will be the last i'Mages done in this style be]fore the ark leafs the SURface of the ice at which po[i]nte (j, i)'ll look into a 2-D «lost wax casting» method | ... | the day before yesterday was the 1st day it didN'T occur to me that we live in «Caput Mundi» | the sEA[gulls are back with a [ ... ]


UMBRiA—ℜEading italO CALvino ' digging sWine & tRuffles & sElf-reFEreNCing a hermitAGE LiBrAryrinth within the many-wor[L]ds interpretation

that views the universe as a sort of infinitely-branching tr∃∃ whereIN ever(y) possible outCome is just as ℜeal as the 1 ℜealized by yoU o i inStead of a single enveLoping uniVerse that kills ∀ll other possible outcomes with each interval of time t | anch∃ ℜeally [ ... ]

identity & reinvention

i am not Derek White [nor Jackson Pollock]: IDentity & REinvention in the Roman Fossil Beds

sometimes i am overwhelmed by how short life is | you could spend a lifetime digesting the works of one other human being—yet alone the cumulative sum || using known historical figures in your fiction might be a crutch but it's also convenient—why bother to develop fictional characters when there's so many ones out there in the public domain that people can relate too already? [ ... ]


the [HEXed] atomization of [s]pace & lan[d]guage & ever-declining death: Lucretius lives on nel calore di un'estate romana [c. MMX A.D.]

we can only obServe [externally] that which lives withIN this heXed grid but not the grid itself nor ourselves withIN it [& anything we do obServe is a DEAD copy of the oRIGinal] | not to further digress on spiraling tangents [of which a hexagon has none or 6 [ ... ]


[j|f]unction following form in fURNishing: INT & EXT [s|p|l]aces to the MAXXI

it's like living on a ship—a good [s|p|l]ace to continue writing the \∀/RK Côd∃X though lately i've been deRailed by not only reSITUating ourselves & adapting to this new CULTure but by learning Italian [& OK the buzz of vuvuzelas has been rather distracting too] | learning another language makes you rethink your own mother tongue [ ... ]


the L&N stops in Viterbo: (i, j) SETtling into un ∃State di gothic de©line & de©OMPOSiTion [MMX A.D.]

... è from un long time aggo when io was pLaying mi guitar in il chicken coop del amici chi had a hound dog che used to howl whenevere io played qualcosa in gli key di E minor [especielle con feedback] | il reason io thought to use quello track [besides it being la giusta lunghezza] è che cosa io was strhUmming [& che cosa inspired il cane] was based on «The L&N Don't Stop Here [ ... ]

SPQR hook

the day-by-day play-by-play of our eXpatriation to Rome

went to the nursery & got a lemon tree which has always been j's dream | lugged 3 bags of potting soil back too in my backpack [1 km] then went back for more soil & an aloe & seeds & a big pot for the lemon tree | tilled & mixed some soil & planted a bunch of stuff { jalapeños | strawberries | tomatoes | basil } then j came home & we had white wine that our neighbors poured us from out [ ... ]

mattress humping

¢ last dayzzz in Gotham [pt. II]: LINEar bucket list SEQuence before shipping off to die in Roma

even American diversity is not all it's cracked up to be | Ellis Island used to be a symbol of such hope & but no matter where you are from after a few years some sort of American blood-sucking virus gets under your skin | i was born with it [as far as i know my ancestors landed on Plymouth rock] & it's gonna take one hell of a blood transfusion to exorcise myself of it | but i am ready [ ... ]


¢ in a Dim Jerky U|Li]MßO[DEN: E + N [of Si-N-E-W] & whorl'ing [X]-beYond a Mise en scène oƒzi ourzi astL'en aysDen inzi America [inzi Fish Latin]

... qualcosa ere'sHen anotherzi enetenceSen: «Everyone has reversible linings and concealed pockets and a way to pass a pet from one pocket to the other thus foiling the searches which are now routine at the door of any gathering.» ichWHen iƒzi i'dzi [ ... ]


¢ no sleep till Roma: [DU|Li]MBO S°W [inkling & rubbing (0,0) + W + S of N-E-W-S]

Re:FINito the biblioteca as deconstructed by the «seminal sheep of the Capuchin» [or a competitor in cellblock 91] as seen on a Darwinian oscilloscope demonstrating the terrorISM of what INItially was ancient assembly now believed [by means of a Σort of math∃matical ACHillEs tendon experienced as «enTROPEy»] TO BE [uprooted by a scorpion-postured dorsal thorn] a «lexigraphic [ ... ]

udder suck

¢ Nicaragua II: Scorpion Milk Volcano & An Episode in the Life of a Landscape Painter

we preceded to milk a cow & collect some eggs from some hens & then made handmade tortillas | best breakfast we'd had yet in Nicaragua if not meal | somehow milking the cow using my finger just stung by a scorpion seemed therapeutic & the milk [ ... ]

ojo de lora mojada

¢ Nicaragua I: Apuyo > Granada > San Juan del Sur [reading Ramirez & Darío & Cuadra & Diaz]

basically a roofless garden patio which makes for good star-gazing when you take a leak in the middle of the night | this morning i was showering in this patio when i felt something on my leg | i looked down & figured it was a branch sticking out of a potted plant so continued washing my hair when i felt it higher up on my thigh | without looking i brushed it off then cleared my eyes & looked & [ ... ]

Parsing Void

¢ PARSing the voID: a MORbid & granular forTUNE cookIE INDEX: {Markson | Yankelevich | Wertheim [cont.] | Dettmer ET AL} leading to Rome

a TRANSLATION imPlies a gLobal shift | a movement from one condition to another | tranSlation is not just ∑omethinge that takes pLace beTween lanGuages but WITHIN a lanGuage & lEARning another lanGuage ind∩ces a POLARealization in the cEELLs in your [ ... ]

codex gene

¢ PUBLIching in an Asemic Economy of Words [VI]: Procession of Mollusks | Amazon watershed | Mirtha Dermisache | ARK & Seraphinianus Codices | +|'me'S-Pace

someone told me once i was always «saying things for effect» & i said thank you & they said no i didn't mean that as a compliment & i didn't know what to say so i said thank you again & they got annoyed & walked away & i never heard from them again | [ ... ]


¢ «What [i] Talk About When [i] Talk About ruNNing» [& ruBBing]

the walkabout is a ritual performed within a certain landScape familiar to the individual walking & in the proCESS of enacting the walkabout the collective unconscious psyche of all their past ancestors that have done the same walkabout is cathartically infused in them—only i have no such ancestral ties so what i'm talking about here is more of a ritualistic catharsis with myself whereas i [ ... ]

travel notes

¢ Travel Notes: turning my attention towards Crawford, Zornoza, Lopez, quantum tunneling, journal mining & the self-referential meaningless of destinational pursuit

the word travel has it's origins in travail which implies a laborious or toiling effort | which is to say travel requires or expends work which is interesting to think about in terms of physics | to make an object travel between points A & B requires a force or work [ ... ]

DUMBO elephant

¢ plyMOUTH & ANCHORage: the di[S|P|L]acement of the new calaMARi H.Q. to D.U.M.B.O.

[THIS] will likely beCOME a place for original art & one-offs & the things that DIREctly inSPIRE me—a place of Creating not RElating [...]  the immediate enVIRONment yoU'Re immersed in is inevitably mirrored in your art | if you spend all day in a dank apartment looking at janky social networking sites & other «web 2.0» kitsch then it will be RE:flected in whatever art you do | same is true [ ... ]

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© 2003-2010 Derek White | Sleepingfish | Calamari Press