5quid-writ-10 S-ay on salt-skewed Sycorax transL8ed in2 2-byte βeta ei8ht ½ Loops (10-itus dUb REMix) |
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8/18/23> 3 AM / whiChing hour / cant 5leep (Đ-spite 3 mg of melatonin) > try 2 sleep b/c they say laↄk of FX mine Ménière's d-zzz / but no say nada abt nothing know more / ∀ll a viscous psychle / self-fuel-filling profitsea > feels inafishant layin' there «trying» 2 sleep when mine CPU = OĐing in overdrive / 5pinning w/ pineal gL& secret ions / channeling tran5missions vis-à-vis 10-itus az if sighrens 5peaking 2 meme on a hole nether LVL / perhaps the (g)host of Kamau Brathwaite a'tempting 2 S-tab-lish a connection via retro H&-shaking protocall / here iT? in4m8ion Techknowledgee M-iN8ing in the æthereal æther / ince55ant Đrone dat rather than «fix» mayB eYɘ shd Mbrace w/ i's wide O-pen? B-come 1 w/ the oooooooommmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmm / tie mine h&s 2 the mast iF U must, m8 / but n0 beeeeeeeezzzz wax in mine ears! O / how much of mine life wasted just laying there prone ± su-π-ne? don't get u5 rong / eYɘ dig 5leep az much az the next earthLing / but Y beat yrself up trying 2 «get sum»? had thi5 peace publiched in Điode a few dayzzz ag0: > in the bi0 / eYɘ (under the guise of «in8 iĐ») st8ed iT was N Xcerpt fROM U/X / but in the pa5t weak ⊕ 2 eYɘ Đ-sided 2 break off the chunk fROM witch the abuv wuz taken (2nd sexion of 4) in2 a st&alone book of its one titled: 2-byte βeta ei8ht ½ Loops / w/ author name: 1-wing 2can > eYɘ su5pect bi the time eYɘ get 2 the ƎNĐ of U/X (iF we LiVƎ 2 C: the day) eYɘ will wand 2 go baↄk + rework the5e opening 2 sexions 2 the ex-10-t they wont even bee recognizeable even 2 mine one i's (in need of +1.75 in order 2 sea) / sew eYɘ figured eYɘ'd try 2 publich them az a 5top-gap measure / feel meme? als0 b/c technickle difficulties (in Đ-zine keeps a'cra5hing 4 no rhyme ⊕ reason) might prohibit the5e corrupted files on mine hardbrive from ever seeing the lite uv day + eYɘ ju5t might halve 2 rewrite iT fROM 5cratch ... + whoo nose when mine digits will finish typing U/X + watt if eYɘ kick buↄket in the interim? @ N-E r8 / N-E 1 know of N-E 1 intrested in publiChing 2-byte βeta ei8ht ½ Loops? cloↄks in @102 pgs / eYɘ don't know how else 2 Đ-5cribe iT other than 2 ssey iT's N αlphαnumeric txt/img objet dat dozen’t claim 2 B N-E-thing other than what iT = (... a den8ured reflection of the underlying 5ource code dat softwhere/ maXines used meme 2 cre8) > iT's yet anutter culmin8ion of mine typing digits mustering 2 make 5¢ense of the 5kewed noize in mine SSES-OS/CPU fROM the in¢essant 10-itus cauzed by Ménière's d-zzz az if eYɘ (in this case «1-wing 2can» (so-named b/c eYɘ onely god 1 goot ear / so don't here in stairi/O / making meme unable 2 tryanguL8 ware sound comes fROM)) M a channeler of freakwindseas (in key of Đ♯ ≈ maXine) normal folk can't here thru n N-10-A embedded in a sillycone chip in mine &roid CPU + did eYɘ menshun eYɘ god a hole in mine SSES-OS? bearly a step-up from 5carecrow / no hay but watt they're is gone haywire / we're off 2 C the whizzzard sad... bad bird brains / a line Bad Brains appropri8ed fROM RAMones (read az Read Access Memory ones!) / do U here the noize? wish eYɘ cd demonstr8 what mine 10-itus sounds akin 2—perhaps a gener8or ⊕ 56k modem noize comes close—but by definition (sum un5poken pairodocks cant recall the name uv) 1 can't [●] what U here @ the interface / wd have 2 plant a mic inside mine SSES-OS > perhaps this X-planes Y eYɘ rite the weigh eYɘ due w/ skewed ink / i.e. squid / az in Ↄalamari arↄhive, ink. (named naught 4 skewed/squid / nor slips of tongue / but slips of the pen (lapsus calamari) > B-sides / nun of X = conscious Đ-cisions / eYɘ right the weigh eYɘ rite b/c X Mac maXine + adube in-Đ-zine softwhere makes meme due iT / eYɘ naught = in CTRL > perhaps the hurrycane is Y Brathwaite named X nu weigh of writing «Sycorax video style» (Sycorax = unseen 4ce/which in The Tempest / mother of Caliban / the nativ inhabitant of the i-L& on witch the her0 prosper0 gets str&ded > beeing a black i-L&er hisself / Kamau's choice of Sycorax = obvious / Sycorax hailing from Algeria/North Africa > prosper0 steals the «black» magic fROM his 5lave Caliban + turns it in2 «white magic» / etc. so baysickly Brathwaite is stealing iT baↄk / + imparint iT baↄk 2 ritefull oners > Caliban is 1 of the few 5hakespearean charactors that takes on an i.Đ.entitiy B-yond his ½–monster roll in The Tempest > another innoventor of maid-up landgauges / Russell Hoban / said:
> again / this idea of 5hakespeare mirrorly beeing the v-uckle/vessel 2 further Caliban's cause naught the other weigh aЯound / just like how Sycorax uses Brathwaite + this pollen-droning αlphαnumeric βeta pigeon lingo uses mine mortal coil 2 bring nonsensical books in2 print (nod 2 menshun this reel-time living blog) > in Kamau's one words / after the time of salt...
... in much the same way mine Mac + adbe in-Đ-zine has possessed mine 10 digits (under the guise of in8 iĐ) 2 write 1/ 4 i am ĐNA et ∀l + now 2-byte βeta ei8ht ½ Loops ... naught dat mine white-5kin digits come from a marginalized background (note how Brathwaite embRaces the margin / Đ-presses the O-pression / takes the margins baↄk az his one just like how he 5tole Caliban baↄk fROM 5hakespeare) + also note how Brathwaite mixes io + iwa in the same sen-10-ce / combining the «input/output» of maXine landgauge w/ shake-5pirits in African/ diasporic mysticism/vodoo > the etymology of lwa can bee traced 2 the Yoruba words olúwa (god) + babalawo (diviner ⊕ priest) + the alternet 5pelling / loa / menes 2 «bewitch» in the Setswana lingo of Botswana > perhaps Kamau lives on hear in the margins of Inurnet? www.bb (ware .bb = Inurnet TLD 4 BarbadOS) ⊕ www.io ... hell-000? Kamau/canUheremenow.com? i o U a dbt of grati2de 4 blowing mine CPU wide O-pen + turning mine whirled upside-down (when eYɘ 1st red Born to Slow Horses 2 deckaids ago) / 4 teaXing meme that how a word is writ-10 matters... the influenze is probly obvious, eh? + eYɘ wd L8er devilip mine one pixeL8ed font sets that eYɘ used 2 rite works such az A Raft Manifest > B–sides Hurricane Gilbert + MacIntosh computers / the other para||e| B-tween meme + U / Kamau ... that perhaps led 2 R mutual obsessively pixeL8ed possessions + weigh of writing / = 2. salt > in addition 2 C6H12O6 (sugarcane beeing the primery dRiver 4 the transatlantic 5lave trade) / NaCl looms large in the Caribbean mindset... 4 eggsample in flying african folktails ware eating 2 much salt maid slaves 2 heavy 2 fly home 2 Africa > ⊕ how the commun saying 2 «suck salt» menes 2 buck up in the face of adversity + in order 2 kill a soucouyant (blood-sucking/5hape-5hifting which who sheds her 5kin @ night) the victim must fined the soucouyant’s molted 5kin + salt iT like jerky > Sycorax chose Kamau az a weigh 2 vocalize herself / Brathwaite tocks abt how She eNabled hymn 2 give 2 the txt / 2 make sound vis-à-visible > eYɘ've nvr bin 1 2 here the words eYɘ read/write ... input/output ... 2 wax lyrically like a poet / nvr can image the text az iF eYɘ was gna read iT out LOUD (Y eYɘ nvr halve red mine one work + nvr will + dont dig readings 4 the most part) + dont think going 100% deafh in both ears wood F-ect mine writing much > mine concern w/ resolving mine mineareye's d-zzz has more 2 do w/ music appreci8ion + beeing able 2 mix the next Sound ƒuries album... what good is a 1-eared sound enginear!? abt az useful az a 1-wing 2can > eYɘ also don't consciously pay much attn 2 meanings of lyrics / 4 eggsample when eYɘ lis-10 2 «Edge of 17» iT sounds 2 meme like Stevie Nix (another Sycorax incarn8ed!) is saying «just like the 1-winged dove» + eYɘ nvr under5tood how that'd work / a bird w/ 1 wing? ... hence 1-wing 2can / Y naught? az absurd az N-E other righter using their one names / trying 2 claim authority when it's landgauge + writing maXines using us 2 do their bidding > the 4mation of Sound ƒuries coininsided w/ the onset of mine mineareyes... in the attico of Palazzo Colonna in Roma was when eYɘ 1st put a telefono up 2 mine rite ear + realized holey 5hit /eYɘ'm deafh! tho @ the time eYɘ din't n0 Y ⊕ what caused iT / 5cared th BeeGeeZus out of meme + when eYɘ went 2 a farmacia they told the mortal coil attached 2 mine ear 2 try candling (5ticking a candle in your ear) ... eYɘ figured iT was a lost in transl8ion sorta thing but when eYɘ got baↄk 2 the attico eYɘ googled iT + iT's a thing (whatever U do / don't try this @ home!) > even th0 eYɘ knew nothing yet about mineareyes + NaCl/hydr8ion / az if 2 self-medic8 / we titled the 1st traↄk on the debut Sound ƒuries album «Salt» ... kin U also hear the 10-itus feeding baↄk? > w/ lyrics such az:
> Đ-press <F8> key > az eYɘ 5peak a thundering tempest rolls thru Goatham / pa5t this haunted cancer castel > az eYɘ've illooted 2 b4 / perhaps iT's the barometric presshore differentials fueling mine mineareyes? think eYɘ red The Tempest in high shcool but perhaps iT's high time eYɘ read it again / much of it abt 5ound > 4 eggsample / Caliban laments:
> @ N-E r8, enuff of them 5hakespearits ... baↄk 2 Ancestors, or antsisters az eYɘ refer 2 mine one / witch = what eYɘ set out 2 tock abt b4 all these digressions /appy-polly-loggies az mine fellow droogie sez > hear's a 5nippet from Mother Poem 2 give U the idea: > «dirty-five sense»... U trying 2 communeacake 2 5cense.com fROM the dead / Kamau? + XX = next issue # of Sleepingfish... iF Ur out there in the Æ-ther of zzz ><()°>z can U send us sumping? sum sorta sine? a Siciliam msg? lettuce no how kin we reconcile mine antsister jeans w/ yrs/srycorax? mine antsisters din't colonize no Caribbean isle but eYɘ used plenty of carabiners in mine climbing dayz + what of carabinieri in Roma? + fool disclosure / mine antsisters were 1st colonizers / don't even know ware mine ppl come fROM B-yond America > + 5peaking of poliz-i / if U out dare on Inurnet watch out 4 FB eye + no eYɘ don't mene the Federal Bureau dat surveilled James Baldwin / but Face Book > stay off dat domain stick to .bb ± .io , here meme? > Xactomundo / if left 2 chants > the writer + what's wri-10 = 1 + the same / amXn > U live on in yr words, Kamau / communic8ing from .io/lwa ± the i-L& of Iwo Jima + now hear U R co-author of post 1105 on 5¢ense > in March of 2001 when U was a mermade living in aNYCity did hour :paths ever cross? like U / mine bedder-½ also came 2 Goatham b/c of NYU (mine bedder-½ was post-doc) + eYɘ worked dayjob in digital music 2 make ends meat wile i 5tarted Ↄalamari Arↄhive (registered mine 1st URL—sleepingfish.net—in March 2001 / when armed w/ Sycorax U revised Ancestors / tho the fishing net has 5ince lapsed 404 (tho we're doing this 1 last print edition) > bi now (in case ur lost daer Яeader) we'R in the 2nd book of Ancestors—Sun Poem moving onword 2 X/Self > eYɘ don't halve the originul versions of Mother Poem ⊕ Sun Poem / but eYɘ halve the originul X/Self sew can compare the diffrence / Δ / in both font + con-10ts > 5tarts out more ⊕ less the same but then U / Kamau / omitted most of these pieces from sexions III + IV + then added sum new material (Palmares / Troia + Carab) > U din't transL8 X peace in2 Sycorax: > «X/Self's Xth Letters from 13 Provinces» (witch we imagined recited in the voice of Linton Kwesi Johnson) = word 4 word almost the 5ame eXcept in Sycorax style / even in original U spoke of Caliban + Prospero / just not fROM mumma's Sycorax POV > + even then (b4 that Mac discovered U) U was self-conchus of materials used 2 write (remminton (dropped G in sycorax) + liqrid paper (Sycorax mut8ed u to r)): + also self-aware of «muse-in computer» in both / but in Sycorax (left) U inklooted a mouse + cursing cursers: + then in Sycorax U transL8 «pisan cantos» 2 «π-san cantos» just like how eYɘ wood: + now after finishing Ancestors eYɘ m itching 2 get my grubby h&s on a copy of Barabajan Poems + sum of those other Savacou North titles (Dream Haiti + Magical Realism) that are only available used 4 over $100 USĐ > we tried calling (246) bookstores in Barbados 2 see if they had copies 2 no avail > sum1 needs 2 get these readily available (@ an af4dable price 4 commun earthLings) in2 the supply chain ... ⊕ naught? mayB U shd B like Fela Kuti + make ppl fly to Lagos (after a low-sodium meal) 2 see hymn @ The Shrine > mayB iT's high time we take a big ol jet airliner 2 BarbadOS 2 sea watts in the H2O |
# 1104 <(current)> 1106 > eYɘ, Cal A. Mari, liveblog uni + wtf else for $75 w/ a journihilist editorial i b/c U = what U eat | ||
[ (ɔ)om.posted 2023 ∀/non i'm us | Ↄalamari arɔHive ] |