4 Ever le55 than humun po5t, 5ame az the nu bozo boss, the dead queen


08/19/24 > Bullet Baker rote another f/u post a6out pubLi5hing Ever w/ Ↄalamari, saying sum nice insiteful 5tuff abt the «nuts + bolts» (from BB's writer|y POV ... 4 publi$hers per$pective see po5t 931) of micro-pre55 pu6Lishing + whatn0t + th importance of keeping ∀|| these gr8 books 4ever ∀Live, once out of th author's h&s:

[the book]’s almost dead in that way, at least for you; meanwhile, for everyone else, it’s like your face—a first and last glimpse into something else about you you can’t see, and cannot change. It should be no surprise that many authors end up giving up after their first time, finding themselves no longer willing to jump through so many hoops just to end up with hacked off limbs.

... glad BB appreci8es the lon9evity/true-2-the-word-ne55 of Ever, even tho iT's probly BB's lea$t popular 6ook ever (Ↄal's fault) > thi5 = how ii (in8 iD, th author of thi5 non-sub5tacked 6Log) feeLs w/ ever-E 6ook that pa5t i's halve ever writ-10, that iT B-comes 4in 2 bi-illogical ii the 2nd iT's ever pubLiched (where iT = in4mation Tecknowledge-E), once pried from th author's gori||a grip > Bullet Baker is 4ever n0 lon9er the Blake Butler that ever pubLished Ever + the «Derek» persun BB refrences n0 longer Ǝxists kneethere ... far az the litterairy whirled is ever con¢erned, «Derek White» dyed sum time after 2008 when Ↄalamari pubLished Marsupial (the last 6ook using dd66's 9iven name, tho n0t on the cover) + renounced 5ocial media

> Ever was pubLished 1/1/2009 + DFW ki||ed himself 1/12/2008, just 4 perspektive > Markson m^naged 2 live until 1/4/2010, sew Ever came s&witched B-tween

> ii dozent know a6out Blake, 6ut ii has 4ver come 2 piece B-ing posthumun, Becoming anonymous writing Ark Codex ±0 (witch (fool disclosure) BB ca||ed «^ book that wrote itself») + living under various guises ever 5ince, a|| fa||in9 under the skewed ink umbre||a of Ↄalamari Arↄhive, ink.oper8ed > 5ure, «Derek» 5ti|| lives (tho prefurs refurring 2 their bi-illogical 6eing az dd or dd66) + yes, the N-titty none az Cal A. Mari 5ti|| Ǝxists 2, the 1 that keeps Ↄalamari 6ooks 4ever in print, tel death do us part, akin 2 ^ 5hepherd 10-ing ^ flock of 5heep, 1 arm of 8 of the 9-brained (+ 3 <3'ed) sQuid, Lapsing Calamari, sLips of the pen > ii goes bye in8 iD now b/c ii has otherwise u5ed up their quota of anon/pseudonymous lives, 8 4 octo-π + 9 4 cats (or if u count each arthropodic CPU), n0?

> «Blake Butler» has more in¢entive 2 hang on 2 that given name, iT carries more w8, br& recognition, can $ell sub$equent 6ook$ 6ased on that $ame name $ucce$$foo|y used on previou$ book$ + n0, Derek (n0r Ↄal) dozent loathe the word «brand recognition» ... in fact, iT's sumthin9 weave always 5trived 4 (taking ^ Q from early 4AD (D-zined by 23 Envelope), Dischord, Alternative Tentacles, Factory records, etc.), Ↄalamari has always 6een ^ co||ective, ^ archive (BB sti|| ca||s it ^ «Press», ^ word that does offend us, that Ↄalamari 5topped u5ing in 2014), the sum of art contained w/in > but yes, Ↄal seams inklined 2 want 2 br& the 6ooks 2 fit in2 ^ certain aesthetic witch hopefu||y hasn't 6een 2 compromised over the yrs?

> when Derek got their NY st8 iD last week, the powers that B maid them put their middle name ... n0 wonder they go 6y dd, woodn't U iF yr middle name was the same az the X prez, Drumpf? Derek had pro6lems 9ettin9 th driver's liesince (witch dd hasn°t received yet in the male) b/c nothing is in Derek's name, the lease/utilities, etc. R all in dd's bedder-½'s name + 5peaking of X-prezes, bedder-½'s Columbian boss 5tepped down last week + R bedder-½/Ƨ.O. (Ƨignificant Other/Oper8ing System) met the nu 6oss yestrday ... meat the nu boss, same az the old boss, az The Who sin9, won't get fooled again, or az another X-prez said «Fool me once, shame on... shame on you. Fool me—— you can't get fooled again.»

> Ↄalamari R akin 2 chameleons, who kin camouflage themselves 2 adapt 2 their surroundings, from sophistic8ed lizards 2 camel-lions > az The Chameleons 5ing:

I must halve died a 1000 times
Feeling less than humun

... ^ song Ↄal used 2 make the B-lo video, on Xmas day 2009 (az if ii knew Markson wood die a week L8er?), feetsuring bedder-½ az pa||bearer 4 blue-in-the-face Krishna (Y? maid cents @ the time):

... if Ƨ.O./bedder-½'s ivy League peeps saw thi5 video now wd they halve granted bedder-½ 10-ure? we'R rambLing, but Y n0t, in thi5 whirLed of fake news + ever-E 1 screaming 2 B herd, bedder 2 just make n0n-5cense ± n0t make ¢ents, n0? az ii was sane, Ↄalamari ain't ^ X-prez n0r pre55 > 4 th upcoming Bklyn Book Fest, Ↄal (th entreprenewreal 5ide of Ↄalamari) con$idered halving the$e dum6 custom6 6ook 6ags maid (5peakin9 of br& reco9nition):

... wood u bye ^ book iF it came w/ thi5 ba9? or is thi5 ^ gimicky $e|| out? ^ canal st knock-off of Gian's «double suicide or it wasn't love» tote? then a9ain, is going 2 the Bklyn Book Fest $e||ing out, knowin9 fool we|| iT was organized buy Liz Koch (yes, of bi||ionaire Koch brothers fame) > ends up Ↄal cant make th a6ove 6ook6ags NE-way, b/c when Ↄal tried 2 order them thru Amazon they censored them, saying they couldn't print em + Ↄal 5cratched 1 of Ↄal's CPUs wondering Y, then changed the wording 2 «a book is a sewerside postponed» + bingo, they let that slide ... so Bozos won't print N-E-thing w/ the word suicide? + iT wouldn't madder if Ↄal wrote iT in french (the ori9inal language EM Cioran wrote this in)——«Un livre est un suicide différé»——b/c suicide is the same in 6oth en9lish + french

> EM Cioran has ^ Lot 2 say abt suicide, in The Trouble With Being Born (quite possibly the 6est 6ook title ever), Cioran wrote:

It is not worth the bother of killing yourself, since you always kill yourself too late.

> Cioran also said:

Only optimists commit suicide, optimists who no longer succeed at being optimists. The others, having no reason to live, why would they have any to die?

... Y does sewerside seam 2 come up in ever-E post ii rites w/ Blake Butler in iT, d8ing back 2 2008? @ NE r8, iT's a|| 1 big hippocrazy, u can either n0t Ǝxist @ ∀ll (witch suits in8 iD ju5t fine) or U can drink the Kool-aid (witch Ↄal feels inklined 2 due, 4 the sake of th other authors) > problem is, Ↄal 5hares the 5ame 6ody w/ in8 iD + dd66, who can't 5tomach the likes of instaGlam ... last weak after po5ting «every post on Instagram supports Zuckerberg thinking Trump is a "Badass"» the co||ective we aint sure what 2 do ... weather 2 swa||ow R pride + -y dose of Kool-aid, same spiked punch that ki||ed 918 of Jim Jones' «followers» ... 918 less books in the whirled

> «stay golden, ponyboy» az the karate kid said, that Gian used 2 always quote

8/20 > Ↄal failed @ another Ↄalamari cover ... perhaps the Ↄalamari br& aint changing enough w/ the times? ba5ica||y Ↄal wanted 2 use this cover idea from 10 yrs ago:

... but in5tead use Emilio Carrero's h& holding the nu book——Autobiography of the [Undead], witch coincidenta||y (th above img/post was in5pired reading Derrida) Carrero had origina||y titled [Archive Fever] when he 1st submitted iT 2 Ↄalamari > Ↄal also wanted 2 make iT resemble ^ tombstone (wi|| make 5ense Y iF/when U read the book):

... pro6lem is, u got 2 fit the title/name on there, so hard 2 halve the mise en abîme refrence iTself infinite|y 2 ∞ (so Ↄal onely 5howed 1 iter8ion) > sew it's baↄk 2 the drawin9 bored, or rather, Ↄal's out5ourcing iT 2 another artist (friend of Emilio's, witch is always best NE wayz), probly 4 the bedder 5ince conceptua||y iT wood halve 5een 2 similar 2 the 6ook Bein9 pu6Lished rite B4 iT (No Measure) + b/c there's so m^ny refrences (... in ^ nut5he|| iT's Carrero's autobiography pieced 2gether bi quoting other books/movies/ppl (700+ references in a||!)) that Amazon KDP rejected iT (they wanted notes of permissions 4 each of these cit8ions), so wheel have 2 run w/ Ingram on this 1 > fucking Bozos strike again + (az The Smiths noted)

Now I know how Joan of Arc felt
As the flames rose to her Roman nose
And her Walkman started to melt

> weird ii said we were on ^ Alain Delon kick in the last post (re[▶]ed La Piscine + Purple Noon) + then ^ day or 2 L8er Delon died, R.i.P. > coincidenta||y, Alain Delon is feetsured on the above album that «Bigmouth Strikes Again» is on (that ii thinks Gian also appropri8ed az ^ early NY Tyrant cover (?) but ii can't find evidence of this online, mayB b/c Morrissey (or his label) or Delon threatened litig8ion):

> + 5peaking of Gian + Delon, az weave pointed out B4, crazy how much Delon's smile/laugh reminds us of Gian, n0?

> last nite we re[▶]ed Rocco + His Brothers + this past week also re/[▶]ed:

  • The Novice——like Whiplash but angrry grrrls competitive about rowing
  • Traffic
  • Escape from New York
  • started 2 [▶] the Evil series but wasn't in2 iT
  • started the Pixies documentary (LoudQUIETloud) but wasn't in2 iT ... weave always thought The Breeders = bedder than Pixies + the Deal sisters sweet + genuine, whereas Frank Black Francis (or whatever his name is 2day) we ain't so sure
  • mayB sum others but ii 4got 2 log 'em

in8 iD

1173 <(current)> 1175 > para||e| proce55in9 (@ 1/8mm rezoolution) of Lisa 2, v1.0
[ (ɔ)om.Posted 2024 in8 iD |  Ↄalamari arɔhive  ]