HEXa9rams n0t instaGram: 5pooky action @ ^ di5tance in ^ unhaunted Spit Temple


8/10/24 > took advantage of 5ummer 5treets + walked down Park ave (D-void of traffic) + Lafayette ∀|| the weigh down 2 Canal + 8 @ Lupe's (2 sati5fy craving 4 SoCal Mex we nvr rea||y got in Cali4nia), then walked part of the wayz baↄk, 10 miles

tread art by Betsabeé Romero in the mid-L of Park Ave


Park ave how iT shd B


8/12 > walked Malcolm X up to 125th so ii (in8 iD) cd get NY st8 iD'd on B-½ of dd66 ... fina||y legit! after 15 moonths baↄk in NYC, 2 layz B4 + wasn°t planning on voting 4 NE 1 til Kamala got in2 the ring, that + the 5tigma of pooling out ^ out-of-st8 driver's lie-since evry time ii 9oes 2 ^ 5how, très uncool!

ware 2 lay R 3rd beds after 3 strikes

8/13 > Cal po5ted the fo||owing pa55age on instaGram (w/ th a6ove foto) + figured iT = worth repeating hear on 5cense, 2 remined folks what Ↄalamari 6ooks halve 6een thru (6asically ^ Xpansion of post 904 3 yrs L8er):

Sometimes Calamari books have a few dings + scratches, but don't think of these as "defects" so much as signs of character ... for example, these copies of 3rd bed are well-travelled—starting in Brian Evenson's basement in Providence, RI (+ who knows where before that), then to a few places in NYC, then they were shipped to Detroit to sleep in Peter Markus's basement while Cal lived in Nairobi (in 2008) + then to NYC when Cal returned + then they crossed the Atlantic + Mediterranean to live in Italy, not once, but twice, in 2010 + then again in 2018. Then they travelled back to NYC + then to DC + then they went to live w/ Garielle Lutz in Pittsburgh (while Cal moved back to Italy again) + now they're back in NYC ... so when u get Calamari, just think, many of these older books traveled the high seas twice on cargo ships + humun hands unpacked + repacked the books from battered Bookmobile boxes in Detroit, Rome (2 different places), DC (3 places), Pittsburgh + NYC (9 places). And now there's copies of 3rd bed sleeping in Seattle at Asterism waiting for u to peak beneath their covers.

> fini5hed The Museum of Atheism by Laura Ellen Joyce + 5et it up 4 ^ Aug 30 release

> close 2 fini5hing th Emilio Carrero 6ook, more on that next post mayB > feeling ^ 6it overwhelmed bi the mounting Q of 6ooks ... 5till halve 4-6 in the worx, in8 iD hasn°t had time 2 work on ii's one projex, 6een working on other Ↄalamari 6ooks 4 the past 6+ moonths str8, B-sides occa5ionally wRiting notes 2 self 4 fewchair boox o mu5ic projeX 6ut iT's 6een sew long ii dozen't even underst& what ii = tocking abt then + the more time pa55es the harder iT is 2 9et 6ack 2 the5e other projeX (U/X, Nest of Tens, iSBN + the next Sound Furies al6um) > ii's in conflict w/ Cal 4 CPU re5ources (ware ii, in8 iD, = just 1 ro9ue R-m of Ↄalamari) + also dd66, the bi-illogical B-eing occupying thi5 body > Cal W.A.5.T.E.'s time doin9 5tupid minedless crap like po5tin9 on instaGram, e5pecially hard 4 ii 2 stomick after Zuckerfuckface ca||ed Drumpf ^ «badass» ... how 2 reconcile the hippocrazy of ∀|| X? thinking now wheel just po5t QR codes 2 divert ppl off of iG b/c waht Lse is there 2 say, ay, but buy by bye?

+ NE 1 dat 5ti|| 9oes on X-Twitter = complete Zom-B idiot 4 n0t realizing implications of the 5tupidity they 5upport ... ii wonders if ii shd kick Cal off iG, bedder 2 n0t Ǝxist @ ∀|| on social media? that + [◼] pu6Lishing a|| these 6ooks n0 1 reads b/c Cal lacks no-how 2 market/promote them ... may az we|| live solo siloed in iT's one Lit-L wa||ed 9arden, witch if U want 2 no what iT (ware az always, iT = in4mation Tecknolwedgey) looks like, thi5 = what ii woke up dReaming a6out thi5 AM:

... complete 6liss far az ii = con¢erned > do U C Q-bs (in 3D) o hexes? o ii thinx abt Weyl tiled flores, o relation5hip B-tween the #s 6 + 8 + how th i Ching has 64 (8 x 8) hexaGrams + influenzed Liebanez 2 come up w/ base-2 #ing 5ystem modurn computing = dbased on ... + did Leibniz [▶] ^ Ibanez 6-$tring (ii's 1st L-ectric 9uitar)? mayB thi5 img popped in2 ii's CPU b/c ii = inFLUenzed bi Romero's tire art a6ove (tho iT 6others ii dat there's 12 cirↄular fi9ures (emuL8ing ^ cloↄk?) but 20 notches on the edge that don°t rea||y a-Line ... mayB in-10-tional con5idering Mayan calendure D-vides in2 20 dayz? ≠ ≈ ^ day-Z chain 5ince day-Z flores halve 5, 8, 13, 21 ... pedals (per fibbingnacho)

> th aintshint Chineese + Mexikins had iT ∀|| fi9ured lon9 B4 we had L-ectrical 5ockets 2 plug iT in 2 > bedder yet, how wood th above 36-sided hex-fractal look X-p&ed in 3D? n0t round ≈ ^ socker ba|| butt hexed o cubic, X-p&ed how «A Square» went from 1D (dot) to 2D (line) in FlatL&, witch bRings us baↄk 2 1 BC/AD:

> if we had 5uch ^ flor ii wood stair @ iT ∀|| day, we came close in ^ WV moonth x moonth rental on 8th + 13th:

> ? = , how 2 transL8 such geOmetric/mathmatickle thinkLings in2 landguage? if ii had iT's druthers, ii wood spend dayzzz thinkin9 a6out 5uch imgs + #s + n0t try in vein 2 put iT in words, what = the point?

> red the words in Spit Temple by Cecilia Vicuña

... n0t that iT had NE bearing on thi5 di5patch, U tel ii > thi5 pa5t weak o 2 also re/watched:

  • Secrets of Penthouse — 5eries about the rise + fall of Bob Guccione
  • The Godfather of Harlem — only lasted 1 o 2 episodes, dug th idea of iT but bad eXecution
  • Purple Noon (1960) — Alain Delon (in 1st major roll) az th original (on-5creen) Ripley? intresting the Δ B-tween the resent Ripley serie5 + The Talented movie (1999), mayB high time ii reads the Highsmith 6ook?
  • La Piscine — on ^ Alain Delon kick
  • 25th Hour — 1st movie 5hot after 9/11 (supposedly... ii suspex ^ marketing ploy)
  • There Will Be Blood — 5till n0t sure what 2 think, specia||y of th ending
  • Punch Drunk Love — PTA @ his worse + even PSH n0t so 9ood
  • L'immensità — 6ending 9ender in '70s Rome, w/ Penelope Cruz busting ^ move in Italiano


1172 <(current)> 1174 > 4 Ever le55 than humun po5t, 5ame az the nu bozo boss, the dead queen
[ (ɔ)om.Posted 2024 in8 iD |  Ↄalamari arɔhive  ]