decalcomania: cloaked 5urface 5tudies of 5kewed ink OoPs


ab5tra¢t: This post examines the interplay of physical movement, sensory experience, and creative output across a 3-day period in November 2024, involving a 10-mile walk across NYC to a live auditory event (Slowdive concert), followed by a raw gastronomic exploration to mark a relational milestone. Creative output was tested through the launch of "cöd.eXɘ.böↄ," with results showing no immediate post-launch inertia in sales metrics. To counteract psychological aftereffects, the subject initiated a retrospective reissue project focused on early Calamari chapbooks (2003–2005), incorporating theoretical frameworks such as decalcomania and pseudonymity (e.g., "dCal"). Concurrently, intertextual inspiration was drawn from Mike Corrao's experimental textual architecture. Results suggest the cyclical nature of creative motivation, influenced by external sensory stimuli and intrinsic reflective practices.

11.20.2024 > walked ^croƨƨ the i-L& + over m^nhattan 6rid9e in2 Bklyn [~10 miles] 2 5ive Spice Tacos & Banh Mi [kn0t affili8ed w/ 5cense!] 2 meat L + M then 2 Bklyn Paramount 2 C: Slowdive > La5t time we saw Slowdive mine mineareyes d-zzz wuzz in hi9h swin9 + ii cdn't here ± C: 5hit / muddled migrainey mess a-10-U-8in9 10-itus in2 resinant freakwindsea overLode > bklyn Paramount bedder than Webster Ha|| 6ut 5ti|| 2 big 4 ii's britches + mutch az ii <3 Slowdive they R ^ 6orin9 wa|| of reverb Live / can hard|y distin9uish watt they whir doin9

11.21 33rd anniver5ary of wen ii + jj met / wint 2 sushi Nonaka ... 9ettin9 ^ bit burnt out on thi5 fancy $u$hi ware they char + flavor the fuↄk out of the ><()°> teL iT's blahséed / wood rather ju5t halve iT str8 up raw / UՈadulter8ed > afterwords martini's @ Scarlet 6ar / apt enuff 4 th evɘ of ii's b-day / vvherein/vvhence ii had 5carLit.11.22 [hoo also rote intro/ab5traↄt] sin9 us cöd.eXɘ.böↄ ≈ how MM san9 JFK happy b-day B4 he died on 11.22.63

11.22 Launched cöd.eXɘ.böↄ in2 th ethereal aether ... now gots the po5t-pubLishin9 6lues when u wonder Y u du what u du when n0t 1 sin9le persun byes the b∞k ... 5tory of ii's Life 4 last 20+ yrs yet 5ti|| ii contiՈUe 2 pubLish / ƨo az n0t 2 perish? az usual ii dives rite in2 ^nother projeↄt / Godda keap aw-Q-π-ed 2 fi|| the void 2 kn0t 9et D-pressed thiNkin9 how 100% of the whirled has 0% intrest in watt in8 iD doez [ii exager8s / butt 4 a|| in-10ts + purpisses 99.9999999999 = 100 / n0 1 eXcept bedder-½ + evɘn bedder-½ dont UՈderst& ½ of iT b/c they 5peak diffrent si9hin9tific Lan9ua9e] > rote ^nother peace 4 ՈEƧT of TEՈS [up 2 TEՈƎT # 23] then wile ruՈՈin9 oↄcurred 2 ii that Ↄalamari shd re-i55ue them urly out-of-print ↄhaps / Y n0t? now that we halve POD / n0 5kin off ii's chiↄkin > the co-labs w/ Carlos Luis [az one consolid8ed b∞k objet] kin w8 5ince theyre's 5ti|| ↄopies of ma(I)ze Tassel Retrazos but fi9ured ii cd 5tart w/ Mining in the Black Hills / 23 Text Tiles / Trapezoidal Juggernaut + Bodh[i] Circu[it]s / Alg[a]e[bra] D[ra[in] + Lump em 2gether in2 1 volume, what du u thiNK deer inurnet? in interim took em down ∴ n0 Longer free / appy-po||y Lo99ies

> how2 re/paↄka9e iT = the ? + in typickle fa5hion ii wi|| use az ^ s&box 2 4muL8 ^ plan of aↄtion > 1st name dat popped 2 mined (4 the b∞k) = 5kewed ink > Lon9 a9o (aRound when ii Launched ii re9isterd ... kn0t sure Y / seamed ^ 9ood idea @ the time / mayB 4 ^ para||e| Ↄalamari imprint of b∞ks comprised sole|y of printin9 airs + Ms. steaks? @ NE r8 the shtiↄk nvr shtuↄk + th URL 9ot ab5orbed baↄk in2 the recyↄled peloton of iՈUrnet > ii cd evɘn tag: «OoPs» (Out of Prince) 2 the titel + add ^ 5ubtitle: «re4muL8ed from the 4mative yrs of Ↄalamari Arↄhive (2003–2005)» or sum suↄh 5hit ... X a|| = 10-a-tive / bear w/ ii az ii specuL8s / X = how ii werk/in-pro9ress from proↄess notes / bi 1s one 6oot5traps

9ot ^ head5tart by erazin9 the ar6itrary name pairunts a55igned ii @ birth from the L&in9 pgs / sumthin9 ii's bin itchin9 2 do 4 sum time now ... sure, iT aint hard 2 fi9ure out w/ minimal 5leuthin9 + there's traces [5peakin9 of retrazos] eLseware ... on b∞k-se||er/reviewer sites / Amazons of the whirled / or way6ack maↄhine > 9oin9 FWD erace traces of prior iDentity / 4 now replace iT w/ «dd66» but verdict's 5ti|| out > ii ju5t 9oo9led «dd66» 2 C waht ƨorta w8 the name carries [in terms of br& reCOGnition] + A i sez: «dd66 is a part number for various Samsung dishwasher parts» witch seɘms apt 5ince when ii searↄhes computer 4 «skewed ink» thi5 img comes up (but cant remembr when/wear ii 8 iT?):

+ FYi / we onely u5e hour di5hwasher 2 clean the di5hwasher [u5e iT onely az ^ di5h raↄk unteL iT 9ets sme||y] ii did howevɘr order sQuid ink pa5ta w/ Calamari 4 dinner b4 scene SUՈՈ O)))

alƨo D-b8in9 weather 2 rei55ue the chaps az is or alt.err them / remix or «di9ita||y remaster» them ... current thinkin9 = «as is»/ STET / Let st& / butt mayB add sum context? tyin9 in2 premiss B-hind overarↄhin9 iSBN/thRiver meme projeↄt [dat printin9 tecknowled9ee / 5taplers / be||y trimmers + other 2ools 4 chapb∞k produↄtion used ii/Cal 2 cre8 them (said chaps)]

> or shd the «author name» = dd66 dba Ↄalamari [2 acKnowledge how Ↄal maid iT official + evɘn 9ot certificate 2 certify doin9 buziness az «Calamari Press» in st8 of NY]? dba dba [ware dba dub-Ls az database administr8or]? or just: d/Ↄal? «decal» always 5truↄk ii az cheap/plastiↄky 5tiↄker ƨorta thin9/ howevɘr decal deRives from decalcomania:

decal [ˈdek-əl] : ^ shortened form decalcomania « the art or process of transferring pictures and designs from specially prepared paper» / adapted from French décalcomanie (same meaning), from décalquer «to copy by tracing» + manie «mania, craze» / based on Italian calcare, «to stomp, trample», ultimately from Latin calx, "heel". Decalcomania was first recorded in English in the early 1860s.

decalcomania = teↄhnique used ^ lot by Carlos Luis in above m^ntioned ma(I)ze Tassel Retrazos

... witch = Last remainin9 6ook w/ ii's reɘL X-nombre on iT / in fact, Last remainin9 b∞k w/ x-name on the cover (dd66's listed az author of Marsupial + Poste Restante 6ut x-name's n0t on the cover) > iF/when the Last few copies $ell [hint hint] + Ↄalamari reissues them Dxxxx Wxxxx wi|| chan9e name 2 dd66 or d/Cal

decalcomania also eQuills technique used by MM in Residue (+ ii's contri6ution = D-marked by the DD the in «DD/MM/2020»

> 5peakin9 uv witch / MM + DD emBarked on ^nother co-Lab [az iF ii dozent halve enuff other 5hit 9oin9 on] / the txt ii [dba «DD»] prompted MM w/ (2 make correspondin9 Rt) 2 seed the project =

Abstraↄt: subject im¶Lantid ^ variable dummy 6u9 in ere 2 [●] feeld sounds, witch ^ pet parrot prompt|y 8 (after fin9erin9 X seed 180° w/ ca||used ton9ue tip), initialeyesin9 alphanumeric seekwinds Ⓑo, 2 co||abor8 in tandum w/ initial AnaLog input, i.A.i., in ^ finite feɘdbaↄk ⅃ooq (w/ dampenin9 co-efficient β), corrobor8in9 accumuL8ed di9ital dada in the d-based db, spontaneous|y casↄadin9 in corrupted 5tyle 5heets 2 set ^ president 4 ^ revɘrse-en9ineɘred tide pooL 2 edit after control group [«]s + [▶]s baↄk su6mer9ed in ^ rusty fluid environment

in thiNKin9 thru a|| X helped 2 reɘd Mike Corrao's Surface Studies / 2 frame how 2 h&le re4muL8in9 the5e ear|y chaps / in4min9 ^ lot of the superfiↄial thiNKin9 ware:

    S U p E R F i C i A l
    S U   E R F   C   A
    | |   \ / /   |   /
    S U R F A C E p i i l

+ PiL ≠ public image LTD in 1 sense Corrao's en9a9emint = SUpERFiCiAl [tocks a6out the 6ook az b∞k objeↄt / physiↄality of iT (ware per u5ual iT = in4m8ion Tecknowledgee)] / sorta how ii en9a9es hear on 5cense / tho Corrao's topo/typo-9raphical insite 9oes far deɘper / reminedid ii of dd66's 9eophysical surveyin9 daze when dd used iP [induced Polarization (n0t inte||ectual property or iՈUrnet protocol)] 2 search 4 copper + gold + radioactive W.A.S.T.E. + or usin9 the «NanoTEM® Near-surface Method» 2 L👀K 4 diamonds UՈder frozen lakes in the Arctic Cirↄel]

sea? what wuz ii tockin9 a bout b4 di9ressin9? Corrao does that ^ bit / has ^ curtain lens he applies 2 most a|| b∞ks [+ alƨo seɘks out specific 6ooks in X vein / up his a||ey / w/ ^ foke us on surface + concealment] 2 gener8 ՈU txt objets dat = ori9inul litterasure in theyre one rite / ii hadn°t red most 6ut now am intre5ted 2 due so [especia||y An Interface for a Fractal Landscape by Ed Steck / witch ii just ordered]

also red Cloak: On the textobject & its Concealment / manifesto of ƨorts 4 CLOAK [Corrao's press] / th inna9aural pu6lic8ion 2 set the st&ard

the CLOAK is the material witness of your concealment // of your absence. It denotes your position against a system of surveillance

> how ii rites u5in9 αlphanumeric 5ource ¢ode = ^ Cloak† / matador's red cape († ? = / ware = da99er / 2 counter a taↄk?) + 9oin9 w/ what ii was tockin9 a6out a6ove re: pseudonyms:

Deleuze and Guattari, in unison: "Why have we kept our own names? Out of habit, purely out of habit. To make ourselves unrecognizeable in turn. To render imperceptible, not ourselves, but what makes us act, feel, and think.

> ii doesn't UՈderst& Y ƨo m^ny righters 5ti|| persist u5in9 their ar6itrary names 9iven @ 6irth?

> Lodes of other tidbits 2 ab5orb in Cloak:

movies en9a9ed w/ the last weɘk or 2 [may B others 4got 2 Lo9]:

  • Dolores Claiborne -- hadn't 5een iT 5ince the '90s
  • ANON -- had po-10-tial but eXe.cution terri6le
  • Pedro Páramo -- wen ii red eL libro ii had n0 clue K pasa (dint help that ii red iT in spañhole) + now seɘin9 the moovie ii 5ti|| dont no what iT = «about» / n0t that that's ^ 6ad thin9 / thi5 b∞k = weigh a head of iT's time
  • Laura (1944) -- meh

[if u feeL inkLined 2 comment on thi5 po5t u can on sub5tack or bSky or re5pond 2 the chimp eMaiL if u R on the maiLin9 Li5t]

1190 <(current)> 1192 > poem-granite maiD of wood wide web 4 tha Rt n0t tha Rtist
[ (ɔ)om.Posted 2024 in8 iD |  Ↄalamari arɔhive  ]