
477> ∀ll b-dam'd in a db uv cascading ∆eltas + afishinsea t' let landgauge flow fluid in fin

1 May 2016 | DC> start'd t' e-volve us our inline style hear, dere Inurnet .. t' use ∆iffrent fonts etc.. but 2 complikatydid t' figger out in practiss .... we keep a cheating w/ WYSIWYG (DreamWeaver) sted of strait up HTML so stuff gose on b'hind th screnes b'yond our cuntrol .. cascading style sheets + inline rules + pg rawperties often in compettytion w/ 1 anudder .... she aint pretty we know .. self-conchus of this specielly sints ∀ll this spose 2 refleck wah we workin' on @ th momint + in A Raft Manifest we style us a # of custom fonts t' ride ± record wit (w/ diamond ± char-coal ether weigh made of carbone (atomic #12) not silly-cone).... but 2 use them here online (digitol not analog) wd reakwire u th reader 2 halve them stall'd in yo machene .... we fine giffing them away free but most ppl 2 lazy 2 go thru th trubble installing them + th d'fault riplacement = who knows wah .. probly comic sans .... yah we know there art clever ways 2 mbed them ± whateva but too mush of a pane + probly wd brake ∑umpin else ¿u know?.... when we burst startid flogging hear 13+ yrs ago we dint have no 4site (nor th tecknology) 2 properly create cascading style ships + whatnot so we stuck here in th same bote cobbling our way fwd in tempo .. maryly maryly down th $tream .. 2 th ∆

missiliffi delta

> stet post also marks naut just a change (o riversion back)(o ∆elta as d'say in calculus) in style but in th sintax + granmar + lexicon we use in our daily riding of A Raft Manifest .. marking th milestone that we ¼-⅓ th weigh thru mas o menos .. b4 age 4 we knot kumtux of wah we due but now we goin 2 scool + when make us misteaks teacher smack our hands w/ ruler spose we ride left-handid o speaky espanish .... not that we intend t' halt our moratorium on th verb «to be» .. maybe we will maybe we wont dont know yet .. part uv ∀ll this stems form apprehending espanish 1° + es complicado la ∆iffrenica entre ser y estar en s'panyole .... in realidad we dint git smack'd nun by no teachers but our dad did douse tabasco on our liddle lengua .. sin duda must'a distortid our vu of landgauge 4 butter o wurst .. tom byen never learnt us no granmar + wutnot .. mo interestid in math .... this coming change also = graduel .. ever-evolving .. ever riting in th ∆elta ever-flooding by our boot$traps (tho we still barefoot a' standing @ these X-rodes) .. we cant vidy no banks .. th entire moondough inundato .. we float in worldpools .... sort a like th transition in calculus from ∑ > ∫ es'ay .. as th limit (uv say ∆x ± ∆y) gose t' ∞.... b4 age 4 we memberd toto in atomized bits that graduelly came mo + mo resolved .... but we kin never = certin .. our memary cloudid by fotos + waht udders sed along th weigh + knot only that but memary b'comes comprimized w/ itch axess .. th 1° time u smell playdough after 20 yrs = intents! but th 2° time less so .... them say u kin only keep memarys after age 3-4 but we got a theery that @ age 2 u kin member mamarys from age 1 .. + @ age 4 u member mamarys from age 2 .. @ age 6 u kin member memarys from age 3 but by this punt cosas git complicato cuz by east edad somos self-aware sea mismo + conchus liddle freeholes .. so subseqwent self-conchus retreefalls b'come 1° remoofed when u axess a memary déjà axess'd .. ¿no wah we mean es'ay? .... u remember a memary of waht u remember + w/ itch re-axess th memary b'comes moss + moss remoofed ....

2 May 2 > last nite we left for ∑um plaze in SE Asia .. we haul'd all these small bags + peephole handid us randumb shit like ½-eaten sandwiches o piles of just sandwich meat (w/ no bred nor fixings!) .... so we got snippy cuz we annoy'd ¿ritefully so no? .. this crotchity ol' lady (kinda look'd like Hillary Clinton) she gives us that look like «x-cuuuse me .. we jus trying t' do sumpin nice .. gifing u free food» acting like we an ungrateful bitch biting th hand that feeds .... we try'd t' gather our stuff + git oregonized as t' wah we needid as essential .. standing in this rilly long emigration line but going as fast as u cd walk + ppl scrambled t' git around us ..... these agents block'd th line fer no a'parent reazon 'cept 2 build up th hype uv th line + then let her go in chunks so ppl wd start running in a frenzy .... we quickly got up t' th front + ends up not emigration but immigration .. ∑um sorta automated visa-on-arrival station w/ dozens of open machenes/kiosks .. no reason we even needid t' stand in line! .... we try'd a few kiosks but they dint work nun .. screens frozen ± shut off .. in varyus states of disrepair o niglect even tho brand new .... this 1 agent @ a pinball machene offer'd t' help .. he'd rig'd th pinball machene t' process visas! .. so we gave this dude our pile of papers (still not oregonized) + he fiddled round w/ wires + flippers .. not even a keybord .... but when he finish'd he realized he mispell'd our surname so we had t' do her ∀ll ova a'gin .... we annoyd as all hell but try'd not t' act ungrateful (after our Hillary-us insident w/ th sandwitch meat) .. he just tryng t' help after ∀ll .... so we try'd t' do our visa ourself on th regalure machenes (plenty still open even tho all these zombees stood in line abiding who knows what) .. but each machene we try'd had sum sort a issue .... [haha ¿waht u figger Froid ± Yung wd make uv this?]

May 3> we havent sed nada here cuz we aint 1 t' moan boo-fucking-hoo but these past 3-4 months aint bin so productive on account of a nagging issue we gots w/ our sholder .. so panefool she distracks us frum thinking strait + sitting normulely @ a desk + makes her especially difficult 2 sleep .... ¿how'dit happen? .. mbareassing 2 edmit but walking cross Pennsylvania ave on a cold snowy day in january we were goofy around did sarcastic Bruce Lee karate chops in th middle of th street 4 no reason x-cept we showing off t' our better ½ .. ¿aint that always how she happens? .. ether that o playing Twister® .. just felt a bit funny @ 1° .. we went 2 th gym + work'd out + dint think much of her after that .. then in Mexico we'd pick up a piedra 2 throw in el mar ± utter little things like shrugging yo sholder when u put on yo jacket ± doing shit in our sleep .. we kept retweeking her ova + ova .... normuley we dont like bitching about such shit + just try 2 work thru th pane .. but this dint go away nun on her own .... ¿+ what = th purpoise of this dam journel es'ay but t' work thru such personal problemas? .. 4 fewchair ref'rence .. th 12 steps we took 2 re'solve th issue case she happens a'gin .... in our youth such things always seem'd t' work themselves out on their own .. not that weave had a lot of shit go rong (weed knock on wood but we aint superstichus nun) .. weave run @ least a few times a week now for 30+ yrs + manedged t' not rilly halve no knee problems (xcept training too hard fo marathons w/o building up yah that hurt ∑um) .. never broke no bone or needid no surgery .... almost made her t' our 50° yr w/o resorting t' no doctor (sides mandatory checkups ± immunizations o that time we went t' a witch doctor in Rarotonga after stepping on a stonefish .. th journel entry of wich we have yet t' transcribe here on 5cense .. may'b 1 day soon ..) .. our 1° close call came in Sicily ~5 yrs ago when we hiyh-step'd 2 git int' an abandund church .... we dint go 2 no doctor but purty sure we snap'd our gracilis tendon .. fortunetly knot a nessysorry tendon tho th longest 1 in th boty .. then last yr we bruised our heel running barefoot on th beach in Santa Barbara (aww .. tuff life we know!) + she took 4ever t' heel (haha) so we resortid 2 seeing a doctor t' make sure we dint brake no heel bone o sumpin .. 2 make sure we woont do mo damedge if we kept a running on her .... + now after 3 munths of pain not gitting better nun (+ again concern'd we mite do mo damedge if a ligament = torn or sumping) we went 2 a doctor (a whore story in herself navigating th Amerikin helthcare system..) only 2 halve them tell us what we alreddy knew (thanks t' u dear Inurnet) .. that we got sholder impingement sindrome .. o specifickly subacromial bursitis .... th doc wantid 2 give us a cortizone injection but we terrified of needles (oh yah .. this yr also marks th 1° time we pass'd out when we punksured our hand shucking an oyster .. pairofmedics came (we mo freak'd bout this then w'happend) but we pleadid t' not take us t' no dam hospittle) .... so sints no way in hell weed let this doc give us a shot he purscribed an oral steroid (wich dint seem 2 do much 'cept make our allurgees better since th steroids compromize yo amoon system) but most importint he gave us th confidents that nada = broken or torn so we start'd doing intents fizzsickle thairippy + working our sholder hard tryng 2 git her strong + flexible again after munths of atrophy frum knot using her mucho .. + wile we rigain'd ∑um mobility + strength (ok may'b them stairoids help'd in this dept .. fer a wile there felt like superman when running + working out) .. we still feeling pain .. as if our sholder she startid 2 fundamentolly reform herself + we got 2 rework her back 2 her originul shape ....

> when u hurt sumpin u tend 2 overcompensate in udder weighs .. u gotta stay cognizant of posture udderwise u git outta wack elsewhere .... making us rethink our desk situation .. dont put yo L-bows on th table wile u eating .. these sorts of habits .... fortunetly our sholder/arm = th limb hurt not no leg so hasnt stop'd us from running nun ± working out .. our rite sholder but we fairly amphibidexterous (cumfortable both in + out of hogwah haha) so dont matter nun .... but th sholder .. she a complicated inter-connectid structure .. w/ th bursa sac so bury'd w/in th above diagram she aint even shown but she touches on most every mussel + tendon + bone list'd .. ∑umtimes th pane she comes down in our L-bow udder times in th neck .. never rilly in 1 spot that u kin traze back 2 th root sorce .... innyway lessons learn'd .. takeaway massages = 1). that we gitting old .. ¡edmit it! .. no longer th good ol' daze when we crazy daredevil kids knot a care in el moondough skiing dubble-black diamonds not caring if we fell cuz weed just tumble dust ourself off + keep a skiing .. o climbing in our climbing daze o playing udder sports .... + spose u do tweak sumpin after age 40 she takes mush longer t' heal take our word for it if u still a youngin .... 2). b'layd in w / these false feelings of invincibility .. we gotta edmit (@ least 2 ourself) when sumpin feels off o funky .. listen 2 yo boty es'ay! .. edmit inny weakniss dont deny her .. come t' grips w/ la problema on yer own terms b4 she gits outta cuntrol .... 3). ¡stretch! .. not th truth but yo mussels jaja .... specielly b4 u go + do sumpin sudden o crazy .. like last yr we d'sided t' try hogwah-skiing for th 1° time (in Maine) + we dint stretch proper b4 so when th bote took off like a bat outta hell we felt our ham$tring pull funkily (th left leg wich as we sed probly dont have no gracillis tendon 2 b'gin) .. fortunetly we let go b4 we hurt sumpin b'yond repair .. but still we hobble'd round fo a week or so .... + also when u do stretch dont just go thru th moshuns but pay close attn t' yo boty ¿feel me? .. we stretch b4 running but gits 2 th pt where this just = ritchewall .. going thru th moshuns w/o thinking o consintraiting nun .. gotta foke us .... 4) not t' git ∀ll new-agey but probly a big part of this = cyclelogickle we got t' edmit .. stress + mentoll pain manifests in strange waves + if u got a point of weaknest then evil forceps kin take root + spred like crabby cancer .. ¿if cyclelogickle then wah cauzes her? if we knew th answear we woont halve no problema .. how come we spelling our guts here .. ¡2 figger her out! .... sides fizzsickle exorcise u need mentoll exorcise .. meditation + wut knot .... we bin spending time in th swet lodge out back (big perk uv this rowhome) .. git them mussels hot + relax'd .... rather than ignore th pane focuss on her + git 2 th root .. ∃ggnogledge her yo .. edmit faults b4 they beecomb cracks in th dam of de Nile .... we used 2 do mo yoga + wut knot but knot so mush in th past deckaid .. but we taking her back up .. nutting crazy ay as yoga kin also injure u if u not careful yo .. but them yogis came up w/ lots of dope tricks + poses t' strike 2 stretch + make u a'wear of yo boty + her limitations .... how far 2 push things .. «no pain no gain» as they say .. u gotta push yorself + work thru th pane .. t' a point of wreckoning but no father .. a'proaching but naut past th punt of no return ....

May 4> + each day u push thru father + father but no mo than u kin realistickly muster @ once .... Rome aint built in a day yo! .. nor rebuilt .... t' cuntinew th abuv list of takeaway massages .. 5) tho not sure wah t' call this catagory .. kinda reelated t' #4 .. + #3 waht we sed about payn attn t' yo cuerpo but mo generuley ¿u know? .. @ actshoally #2 about edmiting t' yo self .. coming clean .. + hell also bout posture so not rilly a # in t' herself but th manedgemint of these acuumulating things .. afishinsea purhaps = th word .. keeping things running smooth + productive in both hed + bwody .. ± or in control uv yo sensus .... we aint gonna lie .. A Raft Manifest defnetly = 1 of th mos diffacult books weave wridden so far (+ we naut even ⅓ th way thru!) .. she dont come EZ 2 us .. on a good day we kin ride 1 page .. but lots of udder daze we only sit + ponder picking @ our navel ± brainstorming ± reriding ± oregonizing our thawts .. + puriferal tasks like making fonts = tedious + painstaking trabajo .... may'b even flog—er-blogging here aint such a good idea tho we do find her useful t' work thru these things in our hed b4 cometing them t' paper .. long as we stay honist w/ ourself .... ¿waht we mean by afishinsea? .. if we aint productive then git up take a walk do sumpin else xcept sit in front of yo dam cumputer (but watch out fer trucks!).... we shd also menshun (speaking of doctors) that our eyes aint all they used to be .. in th past few yrs weave taken t' using reading glassis + just this past week we (gasp) went t' an eye doctor t' git a proper purscription .. prawgressive bifocals .. still not used t' wearing them specielly sitting @ our cumputer (probly th main cauze of our eye problums t' b'gin or what brot her on mo quickly .. sitting in front of a machened screen 12+ hrs a day) .. not that we dint always (¿sints when .. th late 90s? every job after land-surveying (~'91-96) we sat @ a cumputer ∀ll day) but shit vision starting t' ketch up .... we need t' bee mo afishant w/ our time .. rest our eyes every 10 minutes by staring @ far-off points ± look inword @ th back of our hed .. + as we sed dont rest on our L-bows .. nor laurels .. keep our back strait + sholders back .. mix things up .. work on a laptop sumtimes (like we doing now .. sitting @ our better-½'s desk upstairs sints she outta town + th wether = unseasonably cold fo may .. "sholder" season guess u cd say tho we just ran on th mall + hay millions of dam turistas) .. remain stedfast + resolute .. dont slouch nun o git int' bad habits .... = ∀ll about ergonomics ... carpfilld tunnel sindrome mite halve sumpin t' do w/ or sholder .... how she feels ∑umtimes like a carp-fish neath our skin gnawing w/ no way t' git out pour feller .... manifesting as a knot in our mussel or twanging our tendons t' «git under our skin» as d'saying gose .... need t' turn waht feels fizzsickle int' a mentoll objet + then surgickly remoof sed carp w/o braking our skin .... cuz no fucking way we going under no scalpel .... + part of this = about that .. our fear of needing t' go t' th doctor where they messure our pulse + blud pressure wich (th Copenhagen interpretation tells us) only reflex our anxiety of going t' a hospittle in th 1° place! .. our fear of needing an operayshun ± gitting a shot w/ a dam needle .. this unhelthy fear + stress gits ∀ll boddled up in yo boty if u dont watch out + she manifests as th dam fish neath your skin cauzing wah u purseive as «pain» .. just an abstraction if u set yo mind t' her .. but she beecombs a distraction if u let her .. th secret = not t' let such things manifest t' beg in .. ez'er sed then dun .... but once rootid there under yo skin u cant just fish her out w/o braking no skin (wich we terrably afraid uv) .... u need 2 consintrate on her + ∃ggnogledge her ∃xistents + once u got a good imedge uv her in yo hed (vizualizing as squirmy carp-fish in yo carp-filld tunnels) then dissolve them .. cumpleatly disintegrate .. totell ∆isolution .... actshoally th imedge we got in our hed aint no carp but a mouse .. probly stemming form an actshoal memary we harbor form a ℝeel life 1 in pertickler that lived in our '66 mustang .. may'b we toll this story b4 but worth ripeating .. we used t' find evidents of sed mouse .. stashes of nuts in th injun block .. + weed hear her scampering round in th upholstery ova our hed .. how she got there we cd never figger out 4 th life of me .. but unnerving t' say th least hearing this mouse rite above us as we drove a'frayd she mite drop down on our hed o sholders @ inny momint + scare th beejezus outta us .... till 1 day we herd her + quick-like cup'd our hand + trap'd th po' mouse neath our hand .. th upholstery kept us from actshoally touching th mouse but we cd feel her squirm .. we want'd t' holler out for ∑um 1 t' come-see .. t' verify we aint crazy yo when we spin yarns about mice .. that indeed she ∃xist'd .. but wurnt no 1 a'round w/in shouting distints .... sure we cooda squish'd th po mouse then + there but ¿wah wood this proof? .. sides it'd leaf a stinking mess b'hind .... we sat a wile cupping th mouse thinking life wurnt so bad halving her live up there in our up'holstered roof .. in fact she kept us cumpenny .. wah bother'd us = not knowing fo sure wether she wornt just in our hedspace but lived fur-ℝeel + we @ least proof'd 2 ourself may'b not w/ our eyes or a fotograph but w/ our sense of touch we 100% certin this shit happend like we sez ... innyway knot sure what art th morule of sed story .. spose lesson #6) gots ∑umpin t' do w/ resiprickle altruisum .. that + not letting stuff git under yo skin .. + if she dose just ∃ggnogledge her + make peace yo .. u gotta figger ∑umpin good wheel come of her 1 day like that story about th mouse + th lion .. u never know when u got a nagging thorn u cant reach or u git trap'd in a net u cant git out of + these little mice u saved mite come in handy on such a rainy day .. like th mice we cot + release alive in th east village in '07 + th west village in '09 (good thing we index) ....

May 5> so as they suspectid Prince had a problum w/ pain-killers .... not that this makes his deth inny less sad .. makes her mo sad in fact .. that he coont live true t' his self .... scarce few on this planet came born w/ th raw talent he had .. th potentshoal .. great songrider too tho he dint keep menny of his good #s for hisself .. or may'b he did but too much crap he put out u got wade thru t' find th good 1s .... ppl like Prince .. or .. or th artist formerly known as .. whateva he wantid us t' call him .. w/ such public figgers/celebritys it aint enuff t' just bee tru t' self .. they aims to bee queen bees craving th buzz of th hive .... how they vidy thru th publick eye t' «I» .. + lets face her .. he lived a lie .. @ least in later yrs .. we aint sayng this t' kick him wile he down in Davy Jones locker .. but t' lament what he cood uv bin .. + also as a lesson (t' cuntinue th abuv thred) for us mortolls .. so may'b its hiyh time we brake our moratorium on th verb to be to state morule #7) .. be true t' yo self .. sure we cd of skirt'd round th use of to be or not .. say by saying «= true ..» or «become true ..» or «art true ..» .. but nun gots th same ring as «be true» .. we constintly b'coming fo' sure but @ ∑um pt (x, y) in time (t) u got t' just xcept who u bee .... how u came born .. th abuv foto «got taken» when Prince still pranced in hiyh scool .. prezoomably b4 he got stricken by fame + fortshun .. an udder morule #8) u cant mask hippocrisis nun .. cuz if u do sheile come back 1 day t' bite u in th arse .. Prints led us to b'leaf he wuz into clean living .. dint do no drugs ± drink ± eat meat .. nun of that .. he shun'd drugs in fact + dint let ppl in his band take them wich rite there = kind of mess'd up when u stop t' wreckon .. ¿who art he 2 judge inny 1 that dont live clean like yo royal highnest? .... b'sides th drugs he dint fantsy halving his foto taken by fans + shun'd selfies wich sure we think = cool cuz we loathe selfie culture too bro .. but c'mon .. ¡we talking about Prince! far from camraw shy .. he just wantid cuntrol ova who took th fotos + he wantid th focus on him not on yo self o yo self posing w/ yo royal hiyhniss .. he tryd t' make hisself out t' bee a pryvet person but pulleeze .. if u covet privacy dont covet fame + revel in th spotlite when she shines down on u + then judge udders fo wanting a bit uv th same .... too late 4 that + he knew her .... + once u declare yo'self «clean» or paint a certin imedge of yo'self t' th public aint no going back on yo word .. specially if u too proud t' edmit de feet o yo weakniss (tying in t' #2 abuv) .. lets face her .. we ∀ll got demons .. if she aint 1 thing cheese an udder .. we ∀ll got vices .. poke yo pisson + n'joy her .. dont feel guilty nor a'shamed nun nor lie about yo secret cravings (th same shit killt PSH) .... uddervice these demons gunna find a way t' git under yo skin in ∑um shape o form .... Prints dint drink o do no drugs but he beecame a jehovah's wetniss ¿wus th ∆iffrents? funny when we kids we thawt jehovahs had sumpin to do w/ hobos .. going door t' door w/ a hobo stick .. no 1 shd go round pushing their b'leafs on udders aint no ∆iffrent than pushing drugs .... we dont trust no 1 knocking on our door whateva they selling .. nor ppl that take up sumpin quick like theys «reborn» .. nor that quit ∑umpin cold turkey or that shun udders from partaking .. during hiyh scool we consider'd ourself strait edge .. but we dint care what our frends did .. in fact we mbarrass'd t' admit we strait + uncool .. that we coont just chill + halve 1 beer .. but @ th time we dint trust ourself having a hystery of substints abuse in our fam damily .. we had udder frends in th same bote w/ pothed mums or alkahaulic dads + they defiantly declared they woont end up like them no how .. but then joined th army or a nunnery .. so what = th ∆iffrents? .... a'gin she all comes back t' cuntrol .. wich if we dint list as a #'d item we wheel now .. #9 .. tho may'b not th rite word .. dont want t' come off as a cuntrol-freak unless we talking bout self-cuntrol .. but we like th word cumposure better cuz she ties in w/ posture .. whateva life u choose (or that chooses u) keep yo cumposure .. aint no changing th body u born wit .... th tooth-filing ceremony of Balinese Hindus comes t' mind here .. not that weed do her cuz she sounds painful as hell .. but we like th idea of her .. they file th upper incisors cuz they think these teeth = evil or carnivorous or animalistic .. ¿or may'b th lower teeth = evil? .. ether way 1 set (lower ± upper) = evil + th udder = good .. or may'b more than good .. like they stand for earthly passions o desire forget th word .. ether way them hindoos ∃ggnogledge both + that both good + evil live in harmoney .. keep itch udder @ bay + file them down t' better cuntrol th threshold tween good + evil .. may'b we making this shit up who knows .. but th punt bean (gitting back t' Prince + our underlying sholder problema) u gotta ∃ggnogledge yo demons + turn them int' ∑umpin else .. + dont beecomb ashamed uv them ± feel guilty .. leave them in peace + they wont muck u up .. dont over-indulge 1 way or th udder .. everything in #10) moderation .. speaking of painkillers .. weave rarely taken even advil 'til this yr .. justify her as knot just for pain but for th anti-inflammatory risponse .. th NSAIDS .. + th last 2 nites weave resorted t' Alleve PM sints we halve trubble sleeping uddervice .. tho we take just 1 not 2 like they suggest .. but even this ova th counter shit u gotta be careful wit .. cant imadgin prescription 1s .. this shit scares us mo than halving a drink or 2 or smoking a bowl .. th NSAIDS = fine + nessysorry but th painkiller part .. wreckon if u in pain then yo body tryne t' tell u ∑umpin .. u gotta look her in th face + live w/ her .. + if a pill takes away sed pain then u rilly gunna have a hard time living w/ th pain if u dont take 1 in th fewchair .... 1 thing if u popping a pill wile they figure out th cauze or 2 git u thru ∑umpin like a surgery or childberth .. but jus t' take a pill fo pain not knowing what cauzes her .. ¿or fo «chronic pain»? .... mostly we took an Alleve PM not fo th pain but cuz th pain kept us frum sleeping .. lame xcuse .. but sints we up t' #10 we may as well shoot for lucky #12 .. so #11 = about sleep .. + th importints of her .. specielly w/ wriders + artists .. not just sleep but dreaming .... a big motivation t' drink less cuz drinking fucks w/ yo sleep .. @ least ours .... mos everything we ever rode comes t' us in dreams .. or @ least lou-said dreaming .... conchus thawt dont intrest us mush .. we kin deal w/ th pane in our sholder when we conchus but when we sleeping = a hole diffrent story .. she manifests in our subconchus thawt .. may'b fo good reazone that we need t' figger out + exorcise as we sed .... not sure waht = morule #11 'cept th shit (sleep) = importint yo + shoont git compromised no how .... fo #12 wheel talk about anudder big newstory this week .. how all th winners of The Big Fat Loser got fat after th show ran her course .. ¡duh! .. th idea of diet = dumb cuz whatever change u looking 4 (this gose b'yond just food .. but say a diet t' not drink o do drugs .. or a 2-week bootcamp t' «git in shape») = just as temporary as th diet u on .... sure u lost wait ± got in shape .. ¿but u want t' stay in shape rite? .. + th only way t' due that = t' permanintly change yo habits .. + again wheel brake our moratorium on th verb to be (+ also steal a line frum Gandhi) t' say «be the change» .... wich brings us fool circle back to alt-J (aka ) ..

May 6> innyway .. sorry t' bore u w/ such bloody details but needid 2 git ll this off our chest/sholder + not boddle up de Nile (after ll «Denial ain't just a river in Egypt» t' qwote Mark Twain) .... if th mentol FX th fizzsickle then same = true in riverse .. when u got pane o yo body gits outta wack then this manifests in yo work .... but in A Raft Manifest th authors Rem+Rom got nutting rong w/ them sholders so they gots 2 figger out how 2 channel our suffering int' ∑um udder abstraction .... we aint riding on de Nile nor th Missiliffi (th river running thru Finnegans Wake) but th Columvia river .. butt ∀ll b-dam'd if she aint ∀ll th same ± floodid + th qwestion remains how to harniss sed potentshoal enurgey gitting ∀ll dam'd up .. u got 2 ∃ggnogledge + reveil such weaknississ b4 they fester + git worse + manifest in udder not so productiv weighs (or c'lapse th dam ∀ll t'gather) .... like how they dam'd up th Columvia .. th river we riding on .. speaking of cascading style sheets th last obstickle Lewis + Clark encounter'd on their expedishun = th cascade rapids .. now submurged by th Bonneville dam near present-day Cascade Locks .... back then th only way t' pass thru th hiyh mtns 2 ether side .... wich they call'd The Cascades + th name stuck tho most ppl probly dont stop t' think her strange they named moundens fo a feature of hogwah haha .... siriusly tho .. aint no simpul thing 2 dam a river .. talk about liffing yo self by yo boot$traps .... 4 starters u got to build-in locks for ships + fish 2 pass ...

th steambote Hassalo running th Cascade rapids b4 they built Cascade Locks
(gnarly purrhaps .. but not nearly as xtreme as hauling a steamship over a mounden!)


a mo' sivilized (as Mark Twain wd say) way to git up$tream (Cascade Locks)


... + th Bonneville dam that riplaced Cascade Locks (@ least they kind enuff 2 build in ladders fo th fish)

> EZ ± idealistic ± hippocritickle 2 outrite say dams = bad .... that they ∆isplace peepoles + muck up fish migration + spawning + change ecosytems etc. .... ¿but waht about th pros? flood cuntrol + relyable hogwah 4 irrigation + less erosion + mo fertile land cuz of th depositid sediments + ease of navigation (sposing they smart enuff t' build in locks for botes) .. naut 2 menshun a renewable enurgey sorce .. + less need t' burn fossil fuels so less greenhouse gasses + perhaps less conflict over oil .. tho dams that cross borders kin create conflict fo sure .. butt if she aint 1 thing cheese an udder as we sed b4 .. + hey 200,000,000 beavers build dams so dont go hollering sayne it aint «naturel» .. tho nowadays hay only ∑um 10,000,000 beavers left in Amerika .. after rebounding ∑um frum near xtinction ....

> + up$tream from Bonneville they built anudder dam @ The Dalles + then th Gran Culo, er Coulee dam that they dint even bother 2 inkloot fish-ladders so th salmon cant git past .... Bonneville got built ova Celio Falls .... volume-wise used to = 1 of th largest in North Amerika + #6 in el moondough .... + prior t' th dam th oldest cuntinuously inhabit'd community on th North Amerikin continent .. importint tribal fishing grounds to th Indians living there es'ay + importint trading hub (lots of Chinook Jargon spokane there we imadgin) etc.... when Lewis + Clark pass'd thru they found a buzzing convergents of meny Indian nations fishing + trading .. a population density unlike any udder place they pass'd thru til then .. ∀ll fuel'd by th salmon that pass'd thru ..

indians fishing @ Celio falls (b4 gitting submerged neath The Dalles dam)

> sad but nada u kin do about her now .. + t' sustain current humen population need to make such sackrifices .. unless peepole just quit halving dam bebes .... ¿wah dose this ∀ll got t' do w/ A Raft Manifest? .. knot sure yet .. a'gin how come we riding this flog post .. purhaps we had relatifs who help'd dam up th dam dam so we coping w/ th guilt of ever bean born int' such a muck'd up moondough .... innyway .. this = th udder stuff we obsessing ova lately .... we still reading Gravity's Rainbow but dont got much t' say about her .. into sexion 2 (of 4) .. dint dig this sexion as much as th last .. tho certinly mo readable .. nutting jives w/ what = on our mind lately .. not that we kin tell .. ¿kin u? ... tho them whacky servicemen do relocate t' th French Riviera on R'n'R .. th locale of our last post cuz we fixing t' go a'gin this coming summer .... th Brits look t' th Amerikin Slothrop for tips on picking up French chicks .. things spirel int' kinky debotchery (inklewding a sadomasochistic shit-eating scene weed rather forget .. ¿a bit much no, Pinch-in? .... Slothrop saves th bourgeois (or Borgesesque) Katje from an octopus (by distracting him w/ a crab) .. th same octopus (Grigori) th Pavlovian scientists in ch 1 cundition t' attack her by showing propaganda films .. so guess th Calamari cunnection shd peak our intrest .. specielly in th wake of reading Vampyroteuthis Infernalis .. but we dont know .. @ th end of th day GR = about V-2 rockets .. huh .. just ℝeelized V-2 purhaps = a refrents to th novel V preseeding GR .. ¿purhaps ment as a seaquill of sorts? .. ∀ll th physics stuff intrests us but not rockets + war so much .... + th overarching haze of paranoia b'comes a bit unsettling ....

.. + Bonneville Dam w/ rainbow

> but apects of Gravity's Rainbow have still manedged t' finagle their weigh int' A Raft Manifest .. th pertickler pg weed show but we resently cent her out along w/ a bunch of udders t' ∑um lit mags .... speaking of .. this cut-up (like, literally) got publich'd this morn .... salmon + rainbow trout also figger prominently in A Raft Manifest .... + in th ℝeel moondough dams + locks seem t' figger int' our travels lately .. last yr in Seattle we spent an afternoon @ th locks in Ballard + also in Switzerland we goggled dams tho we dint picture them spit + imedge in th post .. + th yr b4 in northern Italy looking for them goats that lick them .. sumping fastenates us about dams .. just a dam cog rilly in th 4-heddid hydralogic pscycle weave talk'd uv b'fore when we 1° startid thinking bout th overaching structure of A Raft Manifest ...

> as we speak (or fblog) we transition from # (1) > (2) .. we dun w/ evaporation .. + actshoally cullection feels rather cumpleat .... so purhaps premature to dwell on such things as dams (an obstruction in step 4 uv th abuv diagram) + impinged sholders but we cant help our self .. guess in an udder ¢ense we cd think uv our sholder ± a dam as a form of wrider's block .... mentolly we do feel a bit impinged .. unable t' proseed t' th next faze .. w/ content piling up b'hind us (or agenst th bow deepending on yer perspectiv) .. metaphors .. or rather semaphores 4 obstickles we need t' unimpinge 2 proseed father .... a bottlenecking cog in a complex system that u need t' maintain 4 th overall helth of th boty/book .... geographickly weave sail'd past these dams in our navigation up$tream (come t' think uv her geographickly we run th abuv graph backwoods 4 > 3 > 2 > 1) .. but th hole moondough = under hogwah @ this stage .. sides th x-cursions we take scooby diving neath th surfice .. or may'b we pooling yo leg + th moondough aint flooded after ∀ll .. nor do we even float on a river .. may'b we just in de Nile .... may'b this art where we come clean + tell th truth .... in stage 1 (both in th 1° chapter (of 4) of A Raft Manifest + in all of The Becoming (book 1 of 4 of th West of Kingdom Come quadrilogy .. (there art a methud t' ∀ll this madnest!) we plottid along unkumtux .. unconchus as we learnt t' say in glish .. we dint aks wah she ment but now we plenty ole that we start 2 qwestion wah th words mean as they come out flowing @ us up th river cumpiling gents th bow .. how we feel t' this pt .. that we knot nessysorrily wriding but cumpiling infurmation .. cowboys cumpiling code ....

> semaforo means stoplite in spanish + altho typickly hay 3 colors .. red + yellow + green .. u cd think of yellow (sides meaning scared) as an in b'tween phase from red > green + as well as going frum green > red (in ∑um plazes th lites flash yellow after red t' git u reddy (or un-red'y jaja) t' turn green (a word that also dubbles as newbile) .. so if we updated our 4-cycle primer 4 th perplex'd weed add 1). red .. 2) yellow .. 3) green .. 4) yellow .... + now abiding th lite (in th intersecting ∆) t' change from red > yellow .... a cawshunerry tale .... weave remoof'd th obstickle but need to proseed w/ cawshun .. in th ℝeal moondough we unimpinged our sholder .. we ℝealized th pain/impingement as a carp (or mouse) + exorcized her from our boty .. but we still cawshiss .... time of day-wise evening = coming .... th son starting t' go down (¿may'b its hiyh time we re-read Blood Meridian or the Evening Redness in the West? .. that + rewatch Deliverance (1972)).... sides th hystorical implications of this yellow phase as a vestigial cawshunnery tail we obsess more about landgauge .. th granmar + lexicon weave devilipped thus far admittedly block'd .. a swelling red blister that we need t' pop + let bleed .... th yellow phase signuls us to go to GO .. let th landgauge flow .. b'come fluid .. like a river not a dam nor gauge of land .. knot even a frothy spit @ th mouth of de Nile .. but gitting back 2 th theme that startid this post .. th idea uv a river ∆elta (wierd .. rite when we typed th «alt+j» t' git that ∆ th band Alt+J came up on auto-shuffle .. Breezeblocks) .... th floodgates dont just o'pen .. u o'pen them in bebe steps .... + sints we travel upriver (backwoods in time like in th Breezeblocks vid) .. mo akin t' th fish-ladder analog .. w/ 12 rungs off corse .. 3 flashing yellows t' ring in chapters 4, 5, 6 (of 12) ... meaning our landgauge wheel graduelly b'comb moss fluid .. vamos a ver si podemos poner dinero donde sta nuestra boca .. the sea-foaming mouth of th river that is .. th ∆ ....

 476 <( )> 478 > silence, exile + cunning: portrait of th artist in th land of green ghosts


[  (ɔ)om.Postd 2016  derek white  |  calamari archive   ]